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I think I ruined the front opening, back opening, and bottom opening. I don't understand.

Date 17.02.18 01:15:17 View 7,123

A week ago, I had surgery for epicanthoplasty, posterior epicanthoplasty, and epicanthoplasty. There was no need to make it bigger, and I did n't want it to look unnatural, so I wanted it to look natural, so I asked for it to be done naturally, but I think I completely messed up my eyes. Since I have small cheekbones , I have often heard that if I enlarge my eyes a little, I can cover them up, so I wanted to leave the upper part of my cheeks and just have a natural slit, but the front slit was blocked to make it look even more stuffy, and the most important thing is ~!!!!!!!! The line under the eyes is a sideways S-line. Mellow eyes. Yeongsim's eyes were in tears. Today is the 7th day, so they say the stitches will be removed and the back opening will be removed on the 10th day.,... The bottom opening was done too badly, and the cornea on the left side has severe edema, so they say you can cut off the stitches 10 days in advance, but the corneal edema is still there. I don't know what to do if they say they won't apply it because it's so severe... I think it will be difficult for me to have a social life and I won't be able to stand it... My eyes are also misaligned when I see them in real life. They keep giving me such severe undercuts at the hospital that they all come back in 2 weeks ㅜㅜ I've seen other people say they need surgery. I don't think it went down to that level even after that ... What should I do? They can't do it. I have to see it in 12 months. If it comes out like this, should I go to another hospital as soon as possible??? I'm so scared that I can't make a decision. Nonhyeon-dong ㅅㅇ plastic surgery clinic is said to be good at eye reconstruction surgery. Should I go there quickly? Now, the hospital keeps telling me to wait again, but it looks like the surgery was done to cover the bangs, which is a bit frustrating, and the slit has gone down like a teardrop, so I'm worried that it won't be 300 times longer when the swelling goes down, so I'm worried that it will come back up again. Is it right? Has anyone seen it go down to this level?? It’s true that it rained very heavily, right?? The eye shape is not half-moon or almond-shaped, but the spirit is the same. It's droopy.... The under-eye line is the S-line lying on its side. Is it possible to cut the eye opening thread with corneal edema? Please give me your opinion . If you have had a similar experience as me and have had a bottom opening, please let me know.

그리suger's More Posts
Cmts 11
You may be worried, but on the 7th day, I think you really don't know anything yet. I know it's hard, but try to ease your mind and wait just three more weeks. You'll feel much better!
17-02-18 02:50
[@Nothing will happen] Yes, thank you. I’ll have to wait.
17-02-18 16:48
I saw in the comments of another post that if you get a bottom slit, 2/3 of it will go up. There's only 7 days left, so don't rush it.
17-02-18 10:06
[@Kyuingkyunkyu]   I'm glad it's almost over. I was in shock with low blood pressure... but I calmed down. I guess I'll have to wait longer
17-02-18 16:49
저도 걱정많이했었는데, 수술후 한달은 기다려야합니다. 안나아질거라고 믿었는데, 좀나아지더라구요.
17-02-19 01:04
[@한강랩터] 조금 낳아지는거군요...그래도 별수 없겠네요
나중에도 계속 이눈일경우에 재수술 하는방법 뿐인가바요
17-02-19 13:42
17-02-21 12:29
정보좀 주세요
17-03-12 18:19
님 지금은 상태어떠신가요??많이 올라왔어요??
17-04-01 20:22
지금상태가 궁금하네요
19-09-11 22:22
* 비밀글 입니다.
22-06-23 18:31
Premier Plastic Surgery
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