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[Shape Campus] I received eye correction surgery without double eyelids in 2011.

Date 15.06.17 02:23:07 View 4,048

It's been a long time since I've been to Seongye Temple. I really needed information back then, but I remember struggling because it was hard to find reviews, and I'm bored at dawn, so I'm posting on the forum. At the time, I paid over 300 and got it done with a front-end ptosis correction and double eyelid surgery. My wannabe eyes were big eyes without double eyelids like Sohee or Park Bo-young. Well, my eyes got bigger as a result, and the shape itself is fine. I don't like the front-end ptosis shape though... (I guess it's the director's taste, but it's round. I wanted it to be a little more pointed) The problem is that even after several years, I still sleep with my eyes open. I want to sleep with my eyes squinted. Haha . I don't know if it's overcorrection or not... I believed them because they said it would get better over time, but it 's been 2 years and it's still the same, so I asked the hospital and they injected me with an injection in my eyelid. I think I got it twice, about a month apart, but it didn't work, so I just gave up. I have such an indifferent personality that my eyes are always dry when I wake up in the morning, but I just live with it. I'm worried about marriage later... Haha... First of all, the surgery itself is like double eyelid surgery where the eyelashes are placed as close to the eyelash line as possible? It's something like that. If I don't tell anyone, no one will know. In fact, not many people know. Since it's such a minor surgery... That's good, but these days, I regret not getting double eyelid surgery . My overall satisfaction is about 6.5 out of 10. I'm leaving a random comment in case anyone needs information! I hope it helps.

익친녀's More Posts
Cmts 13
How effective is the eye correction? You even got dry eyes because of the eye surgery. It's a huge damage. If your eye shape is okay, I don't recommend surgery anymore. The more you try, the more likely you are to fall into a maze. If you manage your dry eyes well, you won't have any problems with your eye health later on.
15-06-17 07:44
[@SunbaekKara] I think the eye correction itself went well. When I open my eyes without straining, I used to only see half of my pupils, but now I can see about 3/4. I have no intention of getting another surgery because I feel like I won’t be able to live if they touch it because of the dryness. Even now, when I wake up in the morning, my eyes are so sore that I close them tightly for 5 minutes before opening them. I thought eye correction was easy, but it doesn’t seem to be easy. When I see plastic surgery advertisements, they try to cover it up by saying that overcorrection can cause your eyes to close less, but it will gradually get better. But for people like me, who don’t get better gradually, their quality of life can go down.
15-06-17 17:30
[@익친녀] ㅠㅠㅠ 맞아요. 뭐하나 잘못되면 삶의 질이 떨어지는 건 순식간이지요
건조증은 답이 없는데 인공눈물 잘 넣어주시고 자기전에도 꼭 눈물 넣고 자면
아침에 조금 나아요.
15-06-18 08:12
저도 눈매교정이 케바케라 들어서 정말 고민많이 했는데 ... 리뷰 감사해요
근데... 만족도가 생각만큼 높지는 않군요 ...
15-06-17 11:02
[@흰우유먹자] 네 정말 케바케인것같아요. 모든 성형이 다 그렇겠지만서도..
잘되시는분들도 있겠죠 ㅠㅠ 그치만 평생 갖고갈 눈인데 잘되겠지하는 안일한마음보단(제가 그랬거든요..)여러 ㅂㅈㅇ들 알아보고 결정하셨음 좋겠어요
15-06-17 17:33
맞아요.광고에는잘된케이스만 골라서 잘포장해서
올려놓지요.돈거래식으로 올리는 후기도많구요.
이러한리뷰를 소비자들끼리 공유많이해야
피해를 조금이라도줄일수있어요~
15-06-18 23:08
수술을 생각하시는 분들이 보시면 도움이 될듯해요,
이런 리뷰가 많이 올라와야 할텐데말이예요 ..
암튼 아침에 일어나면 인공눈물은 꼭 넣어주세요
저도 눈이 건조한 편인데..ㅠㅠ 생각 좀 해야겟어요~!
15-06-19 12:12
쌍수는 추가로 할 수 있기 때문에 새로운 선택을 하시는 것도 좋을 것 같습니다.
교정과 쌍수를 동시에 하는 것은 추천하지 않아요.
수술결과를 예측하기 정말 어렵지요.
15-06-19 16:13
완전무쌍이아니라 속눈썹쪽에 라인 만드는거였군요..
15-06-22 04:48
진짜 관리하는 데에 신경 많이 쓰이시겠어요  ㅜ 건조증관리는 정말 확실히 하셔야해요
15-07-04 08:08
실눈뜨고 자시면 눈에 엄청 무리가 갈텐데...
15-08-03 12:27
저럼, 회원님같은 부작용이 많은 편인가요? 아들 눈매교정을 고민하고 있어요
22-01-19 17:39
어느 병원인가요?박보영 눈 저도 워너비라서요
23-09-01 21:38
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