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It's been 3 days completely... one eye swelling...

Date 12.11.28 12:15:12 View 4,162

Three years ago, I had two surgeries due to bilateral loosening, and the front line became thicker than the back line, so I looked into reoperation and had the surgery on Monday. I went to the hospital the next day after surgery and the doctor said, "Your right eye is more swollen than the left. We'll check in 3 days and if the swelling goes down, we'll remove the stitches and if it's still bad, let 's have surgery again." If after 3 days, the swelling shows no signs of going down, If not, is it right to have another surgery at this hospital? I was famous for specializing in reoperation, so I looked for it and got the surgery... They told me not to touch my eyes until I'm 40 to 50 because I don't have any extra skin... Is it right to have reoperation...? If not, I'm wondering if I should claim a refund of the surgery fee and other compensation due to this side effect...;; (There were one or two people who commented that they had surgery here and became sausages, but I just thought it was okay and passed on it, but now I'm worried...) Eh... I should have done a good job the first time I had the surgery... I was stressed out looking into repeat surgery, and I was anxious even after the surgery. I'm floating..ㅜㅜ

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저도 월욜에 완절 재수술했어요...ㅠ
이번이 마지막이길 간절기 기도하며...
저도 님도 잘 되시길^^
글고 의문사항 있음 바로 병원 ㄱㄱ ㅎㅏ세요
12-11-28 14:41
그래도 그의사는 특이하시네요 보통 기다리라하던데 ㅠㅠㅠ저도 삼개월째 붓기로 고생중인데 돌아오는건 기다리라는...무근 예민
12-11-28 23:16
어제 실밥 풀고 왔는데, 담주에 또 오래요...애매하다고..ㅎㅎ

오른쪽 눈이 잘 안떠지는게 전 라인이 두꺼워서 그런거 같은데
자꾸 안검하수 이야기 하시네요..담주에도 이러면 안검하수 수술하자고..헐
힘주면 눈동자가 다 보일정도로 떠지거든요, 눈 윗살 좀 들어주면
왼쪽눈이랑 크기도 같게 떠지고..

그런데 짝짝이는 둘째치고,
기존의 라인을 거의 수정하지 않고 깊이만 조절했다는거 같아요;
라인선 수정이 수술 목적의 80%인데, 이게 안되면 하는 의미가 없는데 말이죠..ㅡㅡ

담주에 가면, 어떻게든 라인 수정해 달라고 이야기 하려고요...
에효...정말 엄청난 고민 후 결정한 재수술인데, 쉽지 않네요..ㅜㅜ
12-12-01 19:35
답글을 달기 전에 글쓴이를 배려하는 마음을 가집시다.
13-01-12 01:01
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