My eyes are wild, so I underwent double slit surgery . I thought it would be nice to have a pair of eyes, but they look even better.. And the slit in the back has become a “C ” shape . also disappeared.. 3 months have passed and the scars are still red.. 6 months later, they only re-operated on the back in the same hospital, but I don't want to do it.. Better to do it at another hospital, right? I think it would be better if the eyebrows were raised. Just looking at your eyes makes me depressed... You won't be rewarded, right? It's boring day by day. I thought it wouldn't be the case, but after looking at the before and after photos, I regret it.. ㅜㅜ
저는 원래쌍커풀은있는데.. 눈뒤에가 좀길어쓰면해서 뒤트임생각중인데요
고민되네요 ㅜㅜ