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I can't close my eyes

Date 09.08.01 14:03:43 View 4,021

I got epicanthoplasty 11 days ago and had it done through incisions while correcting the buried double eyelid line that was uneven 2 years ago. But this is completely uneven. But what's scarier than this is that my eyes can't close. Even if I close them with force, they don't seem to close completely. If I close them naturally, the whites of my eyes I can see it all . Of course I keep my eyes open when I sleepㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ It's bad when I filmed it on video. To me, it doesn't look like it's swollen. In fact, when I wake up and my eyes are swollen, it seems like they're all closed up. The hair line in front of my eyes is so tight and it's hard. Normally ㅠㅠ the doctor said that the line may change as the swelling goes down and that he will wait a month and have re-operation in 6 months,,, but I'm scared of having to have another surgery at that hospital and my eyes are really dry right now because I can't close them ㅠㅠ I'm more worried about whether the surgery was really wrong. Okay , I want to get reoperation at another hospital, but since it's a reoperation, the cost is almost double, so I don't have money. Is there anyone who only had epicanthoplasty or incision but can't close their eyes well? I heard it was a frontal incision. Since when did your eyes close properly? Since when did the feeling of craving stop getting so bad? But the lines are so uneven, is it difficult to have reoperation? It's not the height of the double eyelid line, but the front part. One eye has a wide-open outline like Lee Si-young's eyes, but one eye is suddenly obscured by a straight line, whether it's breasts or flesh, and it becomes an in-line eye with less red visible.,...... There is someone like this. ?

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Which hospital did you do it at? Even if you tell the doctor that your eyes can't close, do you still talk about the swelling? Isn’t there anyone who can’t close their eyes even if they only have swelling? That's a very rare case, but I think it's something you should check with your doctor. If the line is uneven when there is swelling, it is usually still uneven even after the swelling goes down. The swelling goes down similarly. I think I should at least record the conversation now and prepare for later.
09-08-01 16:53
I just read a post on another bulletin board... Someone said that their eyes didn't close after reoperation, but after a week, their eyes closed... Are you feeling better now?
09-08-02 08:54
I also had a hard time closing my eyes, but after about 3 months, they are almost completely closed now.
09-08-02 16:01
I also didn't like the buried surgical line, so I had re-operation at another place through an incision, and it's been a year since I closed my eyes. I asked for re-operation, and they said they would do it, but they changed their minds again and went to another hospital for consultation, and it wasn't ptosis, but the size of a regular double eyelid. They say it's difficult to come out, and even if you do a reoperation, you don't know whether your eyes will close or not, and the cost of the reoperation is more than twice that of the first surgery. It's not just a pain because one eye is loose and the double eyelids are closed. They say there are some people who close their eyes over time. Just wait~
09-08-04 23:01
Contour Uijeongseok Plastic Surgery Clinic
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큰 광대때문에 얼굴 넙대대해보여서 수술하면 효과있을까싶어 상담 간적있음 여기도 그렇고 어플이나 카페에서도 많이보이기도했음 인형라인으로하고싶긴한데 그렇다고 무작정 치는데는 아닌것같고 후기 찾아보는데 나랑 얼굴형 비슷하신분이 완전 쌉계란형되서 그 사진들고 상담갔었음 여긴 이벤트도하는데 다른데는 추금 붙고하던데 여긴 진심 딱 1종가격만 받음 원장님도 엄청 열정적인 스탈까진아닌데 필요한 얘기만하는 느낌 궁금한거물어보면 설명은 잘해줌 실장님도 마찬가지고 예약금 강요하는느낌 조금이라도 나는거 극혐하는데 전혀 불편한거 없고 편하게 상담 받고 나옴 난 비대칭도있어서 양쪽 똑같이 치는게아니라 왼쪽을 좀 더 처야된다고함 45도광대까지 같이해야 넙대대한거 잡힌다고함 보통 한국인들은 옆광대만 튀어나온 사람보단 옆광대+45도광대 같이 발달된 사람들이 많다고하더랑...
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