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It's urgent ~~ It's buried, but the stitches are sticking out ㅜㅜ

Date 08.03.04 12:33:41 View 7,675

Hello.. It's been exactly 2 weeks since I had a buried double cup.. Why is it that when I close my eyes slightly, there are 3 indented areas with stitches, or 5 at most.. But there is a thread in that pinch. It sticks out about 0.1 mm . Since it is a melting stitch, will it just disappear if I leave it alone? Or should I go to the hospital ㅜㅜ Oh, I'm going crazy.. ㅜ Please help me

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Cmts 4
Go to the hospital. The doctor will probably recommend something or explain something.
08-03-04 16:08
It will be 2 weeks the day after tomorrow... Oh, all the stitch marks remain!!!!!! When I close my eyes, I see three things...ㅡㅡ I'm really stressed ㅠㅠ
08-03-05 21:19
A long time ago, when I had double hands, a few months later, the area in front of my eyes started to itch, so I touched it gently and the ends of the stitches came out. I didn't go to the hospital. I just touched it gently and it fell out.;;;; I think it was a stitch that wasn't pulled out enough. ^^;;;;;
08-03-05 21:48
I also went to the hospital yesterday because the stitches in one of my eyes were sticking out a little. They said the end had come loose and they only sewed the end back with thread. I thought I was going to die from the pain (they didn't even use anesthesia...)
08-03-06 08:13
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