Job Review

Fat under the eyes was relocated.

Date 06.08.13 21:31:38 View 2,580

I had surgery last Monday with the help of Sungye. In particular, I would like to thank 'You Are My Destiny' for providing good information. Anyway... I will tell you about the surgery review for those who are curious about the information... After seeing a review of the under-eye fat relocation at Seongyesa, I got information about the hospital and consulted with them. It's a place called ㅎㅇㅁ in Myeongdong... I went there and the hospital is simpler(?) than I thought... haha ​​To be honest, I was a little disappointed and felt a little bad for some reason, but after consulting with the doctor, my mind changed completely. He gave me a thorough consultation for about an hour... Anyway, there were a lot of people who were introduced through Sungyesa, so it was rumored that he was a specialist in fat relocation under the eyes, but he said that he didn't do many surgeries like this, so he was humble... In the end... this week. I had surgery late Monday afternoon... I was put under anesthesia and it really didn't hurt at all... It didn't hurt at all after the surgery... Amazingly... I was in the recovery room after the surgery, got up to go, looked in the mirror, and was surprised at first... I saw puffy eyes under my eyes. The wrinkles are gone, but there are deep nasolabial folds in my eyes...ㅡㅡ;; I was surprised and asked the nurse, who said it would be okay once the swelling went down... I was still anxious, but after a few days, it was fine as expected. Haha. Anyway... I came home after the surgery and applied a lot of cold compresses with the pack I received... and suddenly the area under my left eye started to feel sore. It swells up instantly. It's like a boxer getting beaten and swollen. If you look closely, you can see blood in the eyes. I tried tightening the compress a little and I think there was bleeding...ㅡㅜ The next expected from the doctor, it was more swollen than the day of surgery. The left eye, which had been bleeding, looked like a monster... The right eye was a little better, but it was still more swollen than on the day of surgery. But... the day of the surgery, the blue bruise under my eye disappeared everywhere on the right side... but the left side was left with a blue bruise due to bleeding...ㅡㅡ;; It's a long story... To summarize... The day after the surgery, it was really swollen... The swelling started to go down the next day. After about 4 days, the swelling... is like the swelling from eating ramen and sleeping... The bruising... normally doesn't appear at all, or even if it does, there are a few red bruises on the eye line under the eyes... if you're careless like me. If bleeding occurs, a blue bruise will form, so be careful... Anyway... Your eyes will be a little red and uncomfortable for 2-3 days after the surgery, and there will be some pressure and swelling in your eyes, but it will be fine from the 4th day. I went on vacation the next day after surgery. Before, when I took pictures, the area under my eyes would stand out, so I hated taking pictures and the pictures were weird... but now I smile brightly and look pretty in pictures. It's so amazing... haha ​​It's been 6 days and my under eyes are flat. I'm still amazed, so I look in the mirror often. For those of you who are worried about fat under your eyes, it would be a good idea to not worry too much and get surgery...^^

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