Job Review

I don't want to live. Please help me...

Date 06.07.31 23:00:47 View 2,870

I am a man in my early twenties living in Gwangju. I usually have a manly personality and a very manly appearance .. So, perhaps, my relationship with my friends was always good , and I was not popular with my girlfriends, but I was satisfied with it. Of course, I also had a girlfriend... But as I got older, my eyes started to droop . It was a complex and my nickname was ..eagle -eyed ... Then I listened to my sister's recommendation, and I had double eyelids and an incised eyelid. By the burial method... But somehow, within three months or two, my eyes came loose . I thought there was nothing I could do , but the scar on my front slit left a sharp and horrendous look as if it had been cut with a knife . He laughed at what kind of double eyelids he had, and ended up contacting each one of them.. I literally became alone. After that, I spent a year alone in the room drinking for a year, and then my parents gave me a re-operation to see if I felt sorry for him. Others seem to be talking about it because it is scary and painful . I shed only tears...Unfortunately, the hospital where the reoperation was performed was the same hospital where the first operation was performed . Bringing it . _ _ I want to go to the local supermarket, I can’t even go to the local supermarket after surgery. Everything that sees me makes fun of me and looks like an animal… I want to get my eyes back that took everything away. Please let me know if there is a good hospital in Gwangju or other areas. ... thanks for reading this long post...

관상이좋아야's More Posts
Cmts 10
ㅡㅡ;;;;; What if the revision surgery goes well? Then you did it?
06-07-31 23:49
Did you even advertise there? Be really strong!! Don't be too proud of yourself~
06-08-01 00:12
Reoperation in Seoul. don't draw
06-08-01 03:11
It is ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It's "You've got a good job".) Lee Wang I made up my mind.. I was able to quickly get the surgery done...
06-08-01 11:16
Is intelligence not responding? ;; A little ..
06-08-01 16:36
ㅡㅡ;; 저도 광주인데.. 그병원 어딘지 알고싶어요.. +_+ 알려줄수있나요?
06-08-01 17:21
06-08-01 18:14
쌍겹최고의 권위자를
아니 왜 망친 그곳에서 또 수술을 하셨어여.....환불과 정신적 피해보상 받아내서 서울의 유명한 재수술병원에서 하셔야지요...라인 낮추고(속쌍겹으로)앞틈 흉 없애는 수술하세요..안쓰럽네요....남자분인데 힘 빠짝 내시구여....
06-08-01 19:31
I am really grateful to you...
06-08-01 20:03
Have a good drink... Have a good time... So well... Stand out again!!
06-08-03 01:32
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