Job Review

A review from a very timid person...OTL

Date 06.01.15 11:01:39 View 1,879

I had an incision and epicanthoplasty . I was very scared. I was nervous ever since I got my buttocks injection before the surgery . Looking at some people's posts... "I was very scared, but it was worth it ." I saw a lot of posts like this, so I felt a little relieved . ..But when I entered the operating room, I started shaking a little and heard the doctor's footsteps, and I was shaking like crazy. The anesthetic injection was like an antibiotic injection in the buttocks... It hurt so much that I died... I had folliculitis and had pus drained, but it was worse than that. It hurt, and now that I think about it, it was less painful than the laser treatment at the dermatologist . But I could have just passed the injection... ( because it was a very short pain...) I was so scared that I had to cut myself... It was hell. It was n't the pain... I went to the beauty salon. You cut hair in...;; Because that's how you cut flesh;;; It gave me goosebumps. It was a mental pain that only those who have experienced it know... When losing fat... It wasn't like my eyeballs falling out, but it felt like something very heavy was being taken out... Honestly, this was bearable. When I stopped the bleeding... It was like a crackling flame. I was doing something like ???, but the part that was slightly under anesthesia did sting a bit. I think the thing that hurt the most was when I twisted the last thread. It was the last time, so the anesthesia wore off slightly, so it hurt the most.. piercing the thread through the flesh;; (I pressed my index finger really hard with my thumbnail, and if it hurt more than pressing my fingernail, I would say "Ah~" and if it didn't hurt more than that, I would endure it... It didn't hurt too bad, but it was just like getting an ear pierced.) In conclusion, the pain during the surgery is bearable, but the mental pain is. It's so bad... The reason why the mental pain is even bigger is that during the surgery, the doctor kept saying that this was the first time he had eyes like mine... He kept sighing... and saying it was difficult... I felt very hurt... I was scared and it hurt. I was afraid it wouldn't turn out pretty... I felt really bad after it was over;; That's right, I'm thinking about it now... When the fat was removed during the surgery... I guess I blinked because it was so painful... The fat got into my eyeball...;;; The doctor was confused. I still remember doing it...;;;;

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의사선생님이 좀 불친절하시네여!
암툰 고생 많으셨어요^^이뿐눈 되시길....
06-01-15 15:24
06-01-15 17:43
ㅋㅋㅋ나도 지방뺄때 죽을뻔햇는데 눈알빠질뻔.......
06-01-15 18:50
저도 이해해요 ㅠㅠ 전 지방빼다가 눈에 힘줘서 실명될뻔했어요 ;;
06-01-15 21:58
어떻게 실명이 되요?????;;
06-01-16 10:41
지방뺄때 의사샘이 눈에 힘주면 장님되니까 힘주지마세요! 이랬는데 제가 모르고 찡끗 하는정도로 힘주는바람에 피터지고 그거 지혈하느라 힘들었고 수술도 길어졌었어요; 수술 끝나고 나서도 심각하게 눈이 시력 떨어지거나 사물이 2개로 보이면 대학병원 응급실 가서 자기한테 바로 전화하면 달려온다그러고 ㅠㅠ 겁났었어요;;; 근데 다행히도 핏줄 터졌던 눈은 이상도 없고 붓기도 더 잘 빠지고있어요 ㅋ
06-01-16 14:50
06-01-16 15:07
저도 ........ -_-
어제수술하다 무서워서 뛰쳐나가고싶었어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
06-01-17 20:39
엉덩이에두 주사맞아요?!ㅜㅜ
06-01-17 20:51
공감이에요 정신적으로긴장이너무심해서 완전 이빨덜덜 부닥치고
혼자 개난리 ㅠ ㅠ
06-01-18 14:21
Between Plastic Surgery
hospital info
다른 후기처럼 실장님이 전문적인 느낌은 아니었어요 그냥 원장님 진단 내용 요약해주고 가격이나 일정 안내만 해주는 정도? 근데 자꾸 다른 병원 어디 상담 갔는지, 어떻게 진단 받았는지 가격까지 물어보셔서 부담스러웠어요 데스크 분들도 넘 어려보이시고 실장님도 전문성이 떨어지는 것 같고 좀 상업적인 느낌이라 첫인상은 좀 별로였어요 원장님이랑 상담할 때는 CT를 막 열심히 봐주시면서 제가 물어보기 전에 알아서 아주 상세히 다 설명해주셨어요 질문도 하나하나 설명해주시고 충분히 상담해주셔서 좋았습니다 다른 병원들과 진단이 달라 좀 고민 중입니다 가격대 좀 있긴 해요 예약금 강요는 없습니다
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