Job Review

On December 5th, I will also post a surgical review.

Date 05.12.06 11:38:48 View 2,030

I had surgery yesterday ^^ My friends who said it wasn't even surgery for real eyes were scolded hahahaha I do n't think plastic surgery is easy. I did it, I'm posting a review out of a sense of duty ^^ At first, I kept getting counseling from a hospital specializing in nose to do it with my nose , but then I changed my mind and decided to do only my eyes. I did it in person. I lived with I-Charm for almost 3 years. I lost weight and the real stress was no joke. I'm tired now . I did it at 11:00 I got another consultation and went to the operating room, I drew and got an anesthetic injection, but it hurt. As expected, it hurt as I heard . There are so many, so many, but if I had to give one example, this would be enough. I had my wisdom tooth pulled out about the other month or so, but the anesthesia wore off during the surgery, and I pulled it out really hard, but after it was pulled out, the anesthesia didn't work. There is no medicine, and the time has passed... ㅋㅋㅋ Now that I'm back , I laugh while talking about it, but I really cried a lot. He came and said that Mr. XX came to remove the stitches -_-++++++++++++++++++ San-nim was also very angry. He asked who made a reservation for surgery and asked if I needed to get the stitches out when I had to have surgery now ( Then it should go away ㅠㅠ) They told me to wait for about 3 minutes for anesthesia, and they went and came . I don't think it's something a real person would do... ㅠㅠ I've been doing it for over an hour, but as if I've been thinking about it, I'm probably thinking of the faces of people who have had plastic surgery around me. But Oh My God, after sitting down for the last sitcom of my life, he said he was going to look at the lines, and it was just a matter of tying it up. !!! I’m dying, dying, sir. It’s so cool, so I express that I’m going to die to the extent that I’m managing my image and moaning and flinching, so Sannim says that if I do another injection here, I’ll be patient, saying that the injection will hurt this much and the swelling will get worse after I do it again . I think that would be better. I said I knew it ㅠㅠ I thought I was going to die . The teacher said, “You only need to tie it two more times ,” but I yelled out loud. The teacher said, “There are so many times”?? He was sitting haha!!!! I was so angry that I told my mom who was waiting for me that I thought I was going to die because the anesthesia was off . Mom waited and talked to him who came to pull the stitches, but he didn't go after the stitches were undone . Asked for it haha ​​Sam also smiled and said he knew it, and it was a bit unfair that the anesthesia was lifted because of the thread girl, but it all worked out at the thought of subtracting points for free hahaha Because I'm simple ^^ haha ​​The lines are pretty . Yo ^^ I'll upload the picture after I've loosened the stitches and cleaned it up .

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ㅎㅎㅎ 수술 잘 참으셨습니다. 저도 마취주사놀때도 느낌이없었고.. 마지막 꼬맬때 갑자기 마취가 풀릴지도 모른다는 그 불안감 ㅎㅎ 근데 집에 갈때까지 안풀렸어요. 다행이죠 ㅋㅋ 수술하면서 그게 제일불안했음-_-;; 우후
05-12-06 12:38
아고 ㅎㅎ 수고 하셨어요 ~~/// 잘되서 다행이네요 1
05-12-06 12:49
우와 긴수술후기 잘봣습니다 ^^ ㅋ 어느병원서 하셧어요?궁금해진다는 ㅎ
꼭 사진 올려주세요 !!! ㅠ-ㅠ ㅋ
05-12-06 12:59
읽으면서 많이 웃었어요.. 님은 힘드셨을텐데... 풉~ 어떻게 참으셨어요? 대단합니다~
05-12-06 13:18
와~실감나요~ㅋㅋ 저두 병원좀 알려주세요~궁금함다^^
05-12-06 14:15
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜재밌어요! 맞아요 풀<-그거정말못참죠 ㅜㅜ.안해본사람은모른다는 ..하다보면귀찬고그렇죠 뭐.저도 풀 2년짼데 ㅜㅜ.이번에 할려구요 근데정말아프셨겠어요 ㅜㅜ.치과마취진짜아푼데.!어느게더아프나요??눈에다직접해요??<-저도정보즘주세요 부탁드려요 ㅜㅜ.아저도엄살많은데어떻게하죠 하튼 이쁜쌍커플 되셨으면 좋겠네요-.
05-12-06 16:08
ㅋㅋ잼나게 잘읽었삼~ 님 어느 병원서 하셧삼? 저도 궁금해요.
글구 주위에서 '너 쌍커플있는데 왜하냐? 남의 속도 모르고' 이말 공감!
그래서 전 가족몰래 했더랫죠;진짜 남속도 모르고;;
붓기 잘빼세요~ ^^
05-12-06 17:46
ㅋㅋ 진짜 잘 읽엇어요~ 님하신 병원좀 알수 있을까요? ㅎㅎ
05-12-06 18:13
수술도중 한시간 넘게 하신 생각들이 저랑 똑같네요.주위에 수술한 사람 떠올리면서 독한년 대단한년 그랬더라죠..연예인들도 진짜 대단대단..정말 공감해요..님글..ㅋㅋ 저도 수술도중 마취풀려서 한번 더 맞았어요.붓기 더 생기든 말든 일단 그 순간을 넘겨야되겠더라구요..ㅋㅋ
05-12-06 18:29
그리고 내안의 질주님 전 개인적으로 쌍컵 마취가 훨 아파요..케케케
난 수술 끝났으니까 겁주기..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
05-12-06 18:29
맞아요 이빨 마취는 그냥 애교죠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너무 겁줬나??ㅋㅋ 아파요 참을만해요 제생각엔 이 아픔을 잊고 또 수술을 하는거 같아요 어른들이 그러시잖아요
애기 한번 낳고 죽어도 못하겠다 하다 그 아픔 까먹고 또 낳는 다는...ㅋㅋㅋ
성형도 그런거 같아요 좀 지나면 코 하고 싶어질듯 해요 ^^
05-12-06 19:33
사진올렸어요 ㅠㅠ
05-12-06 20:03
와 ㅋㅋ 읽는데 너무웃겻어요 ㅎㅎ 웃으면 안되지만; ㅎㅎ 실밥빼러오신분 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아웃겨.. 수술잘끝나서 다행이네요! ㅎㅎ 이제부터 이뻐질일만 남으셧으니까 화이팅 ㅋㅋㅋ
05-12-07 15:31
아! 그리고 저 수술한뒤로 연예인들 대단하다고 생각하고 절대 욕안한다고 다짐했엇어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 독하다고 막 ㅋㅋ 저랑똑같애요 ㅋ
05-12-07 15:32
ㅋㅋㅋ 저도 한참 웃다가네여..
05-12-07 19:44
제인생이 하도 말려서 ㅋㅋㅋ 주위사람들한테 오늘 또 말렸다 그러면
막 웃으면서 알려달라 그러긴 해요 ^^ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잼있었다니까 저도
좋네요 님들도 수술 이쁘게 하세요 근데 전 왜 자꾸 얼굴에서 열이나죠??
눈에서는 더 많이 나고 얼굴 전체적으로 자꾸 열이나요 ㅠㅠ 암튼
얼음찜질하면서 집에서 계속있으니까 무자게 심심하네요 ㅋㅋㅋ
오늘은 친구들한테 하다가 하다가 지쳐서 외국에 있는 친구한테까지
전화해서 수다떨었다는....ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋ 암튼 다들 감사해요 ^^
05-12-07 20:24
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