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The bangs of my double eyelids are a bit thick. Will they sink?

Date 05.09.21 19:49:49 View 1,877

Complete, gapped front (one month now), the front part of my double eyelids weren't made thinner, so even when I open my eyes wide, the front part is still visible by about 3mm, and it gradually decreases towards the back part. I asked my friend who went to the surgery day to make it like that, but the doctor didn't make the bangs thin. I regret it so much. It would be pretty if it started out thin and then decreased in size. But I'm upset because I can't get another surgery now. The front part won't decrease like the doctor said, right? What if they had kept the gap like that from the beginning??

고목나무's More Posts
Cmts 10
ㅜㅁ ㅜYour case is exactly the same as mine..I just had a second surgery..I asked them to make my bangs and middle a bit higher than before..But my bangs are too high;;I cry all the time these days..ㅜㅜI did it once so I know..From experience this isn't swelling but a high bang..When I consulted elsewhere they said it's harder to lower something that was originally high..;For now I want to wait for the swelling to go down and then get surgery to lower the bangs line..I really live thinking that I want to die..ㅡㅡBut for could be simple swelling..Swelling can go down differently depending on the bangs or the middle end..I was like that too,,just like how both sides can go down evenly..The degree of swelling and reduction is different depending on the skin area..Take your time and wait~There are desperate cases like mine..I hope you get lucky~
05-09-21 21:17
How long has it been since you had your revision surgery?
05-09-22 10:55
It's been two weeks since I got my double eyelids done. My bangs were so high that they suddenly looked like they were falling off in the front, so I went somewhere else to get them done, and now the front looks even higher;; It's been two weeks since I got my bangs done. My eyes were always long, but now that I got them done, they're so gross. And I feel like they'll just look bad. I'm praying that they'll grow back again. ㅜㅁ ㅜ
05-09-22 11:31
How can you be so similar to me.. I told you not to show any signs of bangs but you did and now you look a bit like a beast. Your impression has completely changed. It's not good. I want to die and all I can do is cry. I don't want to wait any longer and it's annoying to look at my eyes.. I want to get another surgery but you said it has to wait 3 months.. To make matters worse, today, my bangs that I told you to lose are still banging and the back part has actually receded a bit more.. Mithi...
05-09-22 19:49
Haha I used to be cute too but I look so mean these days.. My long eyes are already so long.. They’re so burdensome.. I can’t even meet my friends.. I’m lying because I’m busy with work..ㅜㅜ I went to a hospital that did double eyelid surgery yesterday and got a consultation.. They tried to comfort me by saying that the swelling in the front part of my eyelids goes down the fastest.ㅜㅜ It’s not even worth ten won.. I also got a consultation from a specialist at Seongye Hospital, but why is there such a difference between what the doctor said and what the hospital director said?.. I really don’t know what’s right.. I’m just trying to calm my mind and think that time is the best medicine these days~ Cheer up, you too~ I really believe that things will change naturally with time.. If you have close friends, meet them and get comforted by them.. Staying cooped up at home can make you depressed and make you go crazy.. I feel bad when I wear a hat pulled down low and walk around. Pullipdida~ Let's live with strength while hoping that medicine will advance day by day and special measures will be taken!!!!!
05-09-24 03:00
글고 전 완절은 아닌데요..제가 재수술이라서 경험상 아는데 시간 지나면 또 틀려져여..첨엔 싸나워 보이다가 시간 지남 자연스럽게 변해여~근데 완절은 그시간이 더 오래걸리는걸루 알고있어여~완절이 그고통의 시간이 더 긴 대신에 매몰이나 부분절개보다 나중에 모양두 확실하고 이쁘게 잡히는거 같더라구요~그니깐 님~힘내삼!!^^
05-09-24 03:03
저도 앞머리가 너무 두꺼워서 한달간 아무것도못하고 정말 죽을생각만했었어요. 의사샘은 수술정말 잘된거라고 앞머리붓기가 원래 늦게빠지는거라고 하시고요.. 남들이 아무리 괜찮다고 해도 제맘엔 넘 안들고 죽고싶기만하더라구요.
근데 정말 시간이 약인것같아요. 저도 앞머리 그렇게 두꺼웠던게 쏘옥 빠지고 1mm정도로 얇아졌어요. 절대 안빠질것 같았는데말이죠. 전 두달짼데 완절이라 칼자국은 좀 그렇지만..ㅠ 그래도 붓기빠지면서 얇아지니까 처음만큼 이상하진 않더라구요. 님도 수술하신 의사샘 말씀대로 붓기빠지면 얇아질거에요. 원래 집도하신 샘이 가장 잘아시잖아요.^^ 6개월은 지나야 수술성공여부를 알수있대요. 넘 조급해하지마시고 천천히 기다려보세요. 저도 한달넘게 울기만해봐서 알아요. 얼마나 힘든지.. 그치만 결국 자기손해잖아요. 다른일 하시고 신경덜쓰면서 지내다보면 예뻐질거에요^^
05-09-24 07:01
서로 얼굴도 못 봐지만 어찌나 이리도 많은 위로가 되는지여..그저 감사할 따름..의사샌님 말씀보다 훨 맘에 와 닿네여..고개숙여 감사감사~~
근데 한가지만 더 여쭤 보자면여,의사 샌님은 수술전 보셨던 제 친구 눈처럼 앞머리를 붕 뜨게 해주셔서,시간이 가도 님들처럼 그렇게 앞머리가 쏘옥 들어가진 않을것 같은데..역시 그렇겠죠? 제 눈과 눈썹사이가 좀 좁아서 좀 웃겨요..그리구,눈을 만져 봤을때 말랑말랑하지 않으면 그게 붓기가 있는건가요? 내 원..눈꺼풀처져서 좀 잘라낸 죄 밖에 없구만...
05-09-24 12:52
ㅎㅎ님~넘 감사해요..ㅜㅜ 고목나무님 말씀대로 서로 모르는 사이지만 정말 힘이 많이 되네요~^^고목나무님 눈을 본적 없어서 확실하게 대답해드릴순 없지만 말랑말랑하건 딱딱하건 아직은 붓기 100%일거에여~~수술한지 오래안되셨죠?붓기 빠지는게 사람마다 천지차이라서 어떤사람은 절개두 한두달만에 쏙 빠지는 사람이 있는가하면 매몰을해도 몇달동안 붓기 안빠지는사람있거등여..제가 후자에여~예전에 첨 수술했을때 붓기 몇달동안 무쟈게 안빠졌어여~게다가 처진살 제거까지 하셨으면 붓기 더많아요~살제거 많이 할수록 더 붓는데요~고목나무님도 저처럼 병원 찾아가서 상담한번 진지하게 해보세요~그나마 조금은 도움이 될지도 모르니까요~^^
05-09-24 13:08
글고 앞머리 얼만큼이나 뜬건지 모르겠지만 혹시라도 아웃라인 될꺼 같으시더라도 넘 걱정마세요~저 3년전쯤 처음 수술할때 제 친구중에도 아웃으로 수술했떤 애가 있었거든요..제눈은 보기에 좀 괜찮았었는데(약간 사나워보이는건 있었찌만..앞틈안해두 붓기있을땐 사나워보이더라구요) 걘 대빵 어색했어여~근데 시간 지나고 나니깐 아웃인 걔가 쌍거풀이 눈 위에 살짝 얹히듯이 훨씬 자연스럽고 이쁘더라구요~지금도 전 재수술했찌만 제친군 잘만 살고 있땁니다~
05-09-24 13:13
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