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The feeling of severely misaligned eyes is painful. Why?

Date 05.02.19 17:03:57 View 1,903

I am 31 years old. Before the surgery, I had double eyelids. My right eye had thin inner double eyelids, and my left eye had thick lines that were not folded. As an introduction, I had surgery at a plastic surgery clinic with a complete incision and removal of sagging skin... On the day of the surgery, my right eye opened wide and my left eye felt drowsy, and they told me to open my left eye wide even at home. Even though it appeared the same. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed that my left eye's eyelashes were down and my right eye's eyelashes were up. I thought it would resolve itself over time, but now 10 days have passed, and the direction of the eyelashes is still uneven and the size of the eyelid is longer on the left side. And only the left double eyelid line protruded towards the nose. When I look in the mirror, the problem is not that the right side is big and the left side is small. The bigger problem is that when I don't look in the mirror, I feel dizzy and my head hurts because of the mismatched feeling in my eyes . The feeling is that the right eye is being pulled and raised upwards, and the left eye does not have the feeling of the flesh being pulled, but rather it feels like it is being pulled down, and the feeling of the flesh being pulled evenly is giving me a hard time. In fact, only the left eye looks sleepy, and the right eye shows all the black pupils and even the hints. So, this is what I was thinking... Is it possible that this phenomenon occurs because the left eye has ptosis ? Or is it the feeling that the sagging skin on the left eye is less removed than on the right, resulting in the size of the skin? When I close my eyes, only my left eyelash is protruding, and the skin below my double eyelid line is longer on the left side. Yesterday, I was told to quit my job, and I was in a daze because my double eyelids felt mismatched, but it became even more difficult. It doesn't matter if it looks like a match on the outside because it's only been 10 days. The problem is that this feeling of only one side being wide open and raised is unnatural and really painful and distracting. I really want to know the cause of why this feeling continues to be so strong . If I need to have reoperation, when is the best time to do it? Also, what kind of surgery would I need to do to get the same feel in my eyes?

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수술한지 두달조금 넘었어요.. 수술하고 몇일 안되서 왼쪽눈이 땡기는 느낌이 들더라구요.. 병원에서는 2달정도 지나면 괜찮아질꺼라고 했지만.. 벌써 두달이 넘었는걸요.. 지금도 눈뜰때 불편합니다.. 이 느낌 너무 싫구요.. 저도 지금 걱정입니다..ㅡㅡ
05-02-19 17:37
05-02-19 18:11
아이디가 같아서 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 게다가 사연도 비슷해서.
딱히 방법이 없어서 지금은 그냥 견디고 있습니다. 그동안 항의 메일도 많이 보내고 찾아가기도 했지만 뾰족한 수가 없더군요. 쉽게 수술을 결정한 자신을 원망할 수 밖에. 3-4개월쯤 후에 다시 찾아가서 환불요청하고 재수술 알아보려구요.
05-02-19 18:12
저랑 비슷한 분들도 있군요.. 대인기피증 걸린것 같구 저도 우울해요
왜 섣부른 판단을 했을까 후회가고... 암튼 성급하게 재수술하면
탈난다고 하니 여유를 같고 긴 시간을 기다리는 수밖에 없나봐요..ㅠ ㅠ ..
05-02-19 18:35
증상이 똑같아요 혹시 안검이 아닌지 하루에도 열두번 거울을 들여다보는데
게다가 갑자기 한쪽눈 시력이 많이 떨어진거같구 마니 어지러워요..
맨날 여기만 드려다 보며 후회만 하고 있네요 ..칭구들도 못만나구..ㅠ_ㅠ
05-02-19 19:47
저두 님과 같아서 병원에 갔더니 한쪽근육이 더 잘 발달되어 있을경우 에 그렇다고 하시면서 , 석달정도 참고 기다려 보라고 하시네요완전히 자리 잡을때까지 섣부른 판단하지 말고 ,, ㅜ,ㅜ 민망 하고 뻘줌 하더이다 ,~
05-02-20 18:14
우와 저와같은 고민과 걱정하시는 분들 ㅠ_ㅠ 저는 게다가 라인도 크고 삐져나와서 누가봐도 수술했죠? 합니다..너무 속상하네요 살맛도 안나고 만사 의욕도 없고..수술한 표시나는 아무래도 제가봐도 싫네요..휴..1년이나 지났는데도요..
05-04-22 17:07
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