Job Review

For those who are worried about swelling!! I think time is the answer.

Date 05.02.15 20:12:40 View 1,828

Hello ^^ Because I never post a review or photo and it always swells I think I only posted this in the question room ^^;; It's been a month and two weeks since the surgery I live in Daegu and my eyes are very small and very fat;; Plus, the eyes are torn and bloody; Every time I went for a consultation, they told me I had a lot of fat I'm not even thinking about double eyelid surgery I have nothing to do after working at work Let's have surgery. Then we had surgery; In a new place in the neighborhood that I didn't know much about I had surgery I didn't even look into this at all I thought the doctor would take care of it When I go to that hospital for a consultation, when I go for surgery, when I go to remove stitches After that, I was worried, so even though I went several times, there wasn't a single customer There wasn't; Now that I think about it, it's true;;; It's a cut of Gando; I heard that surgery in the city is fully booked until Lunar New Year I thought I had to do it quickly (the hospital said they would do it right away) so I did it; I paid 950,000 won for the complete body minus the fat There is no difference in the neighborhood or downtown I only said useless things I was really shocked after the surgery My sister was really surprised too I'm sure it was the same for other people, but I had really bad swelling The bleeding stopped in the place where it was completely cut, and there was even swelling, really The swelling was worse than anyone else here I could barely open my eyes for 3 days after the surgery I thought it was because I had lost all the fat and was completely cured, but I was hopeless It was sore and sore I think I was the only person who suffered that much after double eyelid surgery; When I came home, my sister and everyone else said I was like a hawk I was wondering if it was swollen like this because the line was too big After the stitches were removed, the swelling went down a bit Still, it was worse than others. The swelling went down for about two weeks and then stopped I feel like I lived at Seongyesa for like a month after the surgery!! There must be a lot of people who have seen me; Those of you who have sent and received messages will know that the swelling is severe The swelling seemed to have stopped so I really went to the hospital I was like that after leaving (the hospital said they didn't know about me) I even considered double eyelid removal surgery and reoperation The swelling didn't go down until about 3 weeks, so my double eyelids were about 5mm You would know how much swelling there was. It was half the eye and half the double eyelid; I really couldn't sleep at night for 3 weeks after the surgery and cried every day I said the swelling stopped just by looking in the mirror every day People I see sometimes say that the swelling has gone down And 4mm. 3mm, 2mm like this My double eyelids have shrunk. And the mismatching was so bad But I think it's getting better. Don’t worry too much At first, my sister also had double eyelids. They just said it was wrong, but now they say it's the same Now, if I draw eyeliner, my double eyelids don't look big It has decreased a lot There was such a fuss about Line. It's really nice. They will give less in the future. There is still swelling and my eyelashes are lifted (I'm really worried right now) Although it looks like surgery I'm so glad that the swelling has gone down this much My friend also said that he had never seen someone with severe swelling like me Now the swelling is all gone. ^^ Don’t worry too much!! I guess time is short!! Cheer up ^^

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이뻐지자잉님 ^^ 다음에서도 자주뵙고 ㅎㅎ여기서도 ㅋㅋ 전때 님이나 저나 붓기때문에 한참 심각했었자나요 ㅋㅋㅋ많이 빠지고 이뻐지셧다니 추카드려요 ^^빨리 자연스러워져요 ~~ ㅋㅋ
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