I made a reservation for 10 o'clock, so I went... I guess it was because I was the first person to go, so there wasn't anyone there! The hospital was pretty clean... After waiting with my mom, I went into the treatment room when my name was called. The teacher looked at me and asked if I had come to look at my eyes. I said yes, and I said, "You're pretty even without them, but what are you doing?" Then he told me to close my eyes, and he made a line with something that looked like strange tweezers , and told me to open my eyes, and he opened them, and there was still a difference in the size of my eyes . It's like this~ Then he looked closely and asked me to close and open my eyes. I did that and the teacher said I have a little ptosis. Not a lot, just a little~ I guess my ability to open my eyes is weak?? When I keep opening my eyes, I keep using my eyebrows to open them. I actually held my eyebrows so that I couldn't move them and told them to open my eyes, but I really couldn't open my eyes.. This was the first time I noticed it.. I was a bit shocked, haha. So, these eyes need to be buried and made very thin. It's almost like an inner couple..ㅠㅠ I wanted a thick, thick line with an incision...ㅠ They said that these eyes should be satisfied with only making the eyes look bigger by making them thinner ...ㅠ Ugh...my eyes...the incision. They say there is no need for eyes. Instead, he said that if I buried it, there was a possibility that my eye would loosen . He also said that I would have to bury it harder and more thoroughly than other people's... If it were to be buried, he would do it again within two years! And so! If he did the surgery himself, the swelling would all go away within 3 days. Hehe.. Well, my eyes are average. I asked if they could be made thicker, and he adjusted my eye line. They say natural lines are important ! He said he doesn't really want to recommend that . At the same time, he said that he was cautious because he didn't agree with me, so it was a bit difficult to hear people say that they were a close couple by telling me to do it here , so he told me to look elsewhere and make a good decision! This is my review up to this point ㅠㅠ It's really sad....ㅠ0ㅠ He said he wanted thick lines, but he told me to think of my eyes as just a couple and get surgery....ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Ugh.....my friend. Among them, one of the couples told me to look elsewhere..ㅠㅠ I'm so worried and worried right now. ㅠㅠ