Job Review

Ophthalmology in Mokpo...

Date 08.01.18 03:07:54 View 4,766

It's been 20 days since I heard rumors on the Internet that it's cheap and good, and it's been 20 days since I had a burial operation at an eye clinic in Mokpo [does anyone know? At first, the swelling was so severe that the line didn't even come out to the corner of the eye, but now the swelling has gone down a little, so it comes down naturally ^^; And the next day, it's not as bad, but I still have a little scar. I'm worried that this won't go away ㅠㅠ;; Oh, and the line is slightly above the crease of the double eyelid when I applied it in the past , so it seems to have worked out well. [The line needs to come down 1/2 to 2/3 more to be the line I thought it was;] Maybe it's because I don't exercise a lot... [I don't even apply fomentation;] I thought the swelling had gone down a lot, but after comparing the photos, it's not like I've lost that much again. Yeah hahahaha My eyes look prettier when I don't have double eyelids -_-;; Haha And... by any chance.. For those who had surgery at the Mokpo ha ophthalmology- When will the scars go away? When will people not know? If the swelling goes down later, the line will come down a lot ㅠㅠ? Please comfort me ㅠㅠ;; Ying...

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넘;;;; 심한듯 눈수술 했는데 20일후 모습이 넘넘.. 그정도까지는 아닐텐데..
현재로썬 찜찔을 잘 하시구요.. 흉은 매몰이면 20일정도까지는 안가서리.
병원에선 뭐래요~
08-01-18 10:51
저두20일정두되면잔붓기빼곤다빠져야한다구생각하눈데여ㅜ ㅜ
08-01-18 11:25
목포ㅎ안과는 튜브로 수술하지 않나요? 저는 그냥 목포ㅇ과에서 했는데..붓기 빠지는데 꽤 걸렸어요.. 근데 님은 좀 심한 거 같아요~병원가서 상담받아보세요
08-01-18 11:36
제 생각인데요.. 눈에 붓기는 다 빠진거 같아요....병원한번 가보세요
08-01-18 13:03
수술전 눈도 이쁘셧는데~붓기가 심하네요쫌 ㅠㅠ
08-01-18 13:14
아무래도 붓기는 거의 다빠지셨는데 라인이 너무 위인듯........
예전눈도이쁘셨는데... 라인이 너무 위지않나요? 붓기가 빠진다고해도...
08-01-19 01:31
저도 ㅎ안과에서 했구요;지금이20일정두됐는데 붓기는 거의 다빠지고
라인이 다잡혔는데;;
08-01-20 21:33
제가 함부로 말씀드릴 순 없지만,,님..안검하수도 같이 하셔야하지 않을까...감히 생각이 듭니다...만약 안검을 알아보시거든.....님께서 하셨던 병원에서는 절대 하시지 마셔요..
08-01-21 17:11
제친구도목포 안과에서 싸게주고햇다는데 같은병원인지는 모르겟지만 ㅜㅜ
제친구는 1년넘엇는데 눈이징그러워요 ㅜㅜㅜ
08-02-15 12:44
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