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Crying and uploading a photo. It's been a month since the incision was made..

Date 07.07.01 02:14:37 View 4,466

The picture above is the eye that I had surgery on and the picture below is the eye before the operation,,,, I used to make double eyelids... About 10 years ago. There was no such thing as sagging or anything like that. Remove some fat... With an incision... I disregarded my opinion and I wanted an infold, but if that's the case, what would I do? He said he was confident and his eyes swelled in half) During the operation, I was in pain and almost died . There was a lot of blood and a lot of bruising . , swelling and whatever... My eyes are smaller than before the surgery. First of all, I can't open my eyes . .. I was timid at the hospital and asked what to do if this happens after a while... The nurses and unnies have to re-operate without any care. Losing ... it's night . I can't see my eyes at all in the morning... I want to die. How can I live with these eyes ... I can't meet people... I can't even take the pictures I loved so much... What should I do... It's definitely wrong.

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Cmts 29
Um... From the photo, there doesn't seem to be any problem. Were your eyes bigger when you had single eyelids before than after you had double eyelids? In this photo, your eyes look pretty.. Don't strain your eyes for once, let's try to show your natural eyes ^^
07-07-01 02:52
The picture below is before surgery....
07-07-01 02:52
It's been a month now, is the swelling the same as in the picture above? If it's been a month, I'm pretty sure it's not swelling. In the case of reoperation, there are cases in which it is possible to receive it shortly after surgery, and in some cases it takes about 6 months to receive it. I want you to go to another hospital and get another consultation. I'm not like you, but there was a case where a scar under the double eyelid line fell inside, and another line appeared above the double eyelid. Time will fix it. So I decided to have the surgery again. I think the surgery is wrong. In the picture below, you have really pretty eyes, and you have pretty double skin, so I hope you find your original pretty eyes!!
07-07-01 03:32
그리고 재수술 할 경우는 라인을 낮추셔야 될꺼 같아요. 인아웃으로 하시는게 좋을듯 해요. 아웃라인이 안맞는 것일수도 있고 아웃은 정말 잘되지 않으면 눈이 풀려보이고 더 작아보일 수 있거든요.
07-07-01 03:34
The normal eyes... the image has completely changed.. The swelling is too severe for a month...
07-07-01 08:24
You must be so upset. I don't know what to say to comfort you. It is said that each person has a different time for swelling to go down. Don't worry too much, go to the hospital again and get a consultation for sure. Don't be too depressed. Be strong.
07-07-01 10:42
쌩콩의 하루
I must be really worried~~ I'm all upset!! It's been a month since I had a complete incision!! Even looking at the photos, the swelling is not visible after a month, and it looks like eyes that are 2-3 days old!! It still swells a little in the morning, but I think it's definitely wrong with me!!! May you be strong and actively restore your old beautiful eyes...
07-07-01 11:13
The picture above is not shortly after surgery, it's been a month since surgery, but if that's the case, it's a bit severe... And you have to go to the hospital and get a refund for the operation fee. This obviously seems wrong to anyone who sees it.. The hospital gives you a reoperation. Whatever you do, don't listen to it and get your money back and go to another hospital. I got my money back and with that money I went to another hospital and had a re-operation . Cheer up... If you get the re-operation, you will become prettier. Cheer up...!!!
07-07-01 11:38
I'm similar to being two days old now~ Oh my gosh sir ㅠㅠ It's been a month ㅠㅠ My eyes are prettier before.... I have no choice but to go to the hospital and get my money back ㅠㅠ Cheer up!! Find a good place and make it even more beautiful~ Please stay strong and upload a picture ^.^
07-07-01 11:49
Please get a refund!! That hospital is so irresponsible... Even if it's been a month or so, it's definitely something the hospital did wrong.
07-07-01 12:09
It's a month old eye, so I'm very upset. The revision surgery was also surgery, but it was too much at the hospital. I doubt it was done by a specialist.
07-07-01 15:57
Be sure to get a refund and find out if the hospital is doing well for the reoperation
07-07-01 22:44
I don't know about it, but I saw in Solomon's Choice that you can get the cost of surgery back and even the cost of reoperation at another hospital.
07-07-01 23:52
Sir, don't cry. cheer up. It's a refund. First of all, a specialist..Go to another hospital. ㅠㅠ Ego.. be strong
07-07-02 03:43
Good luck, sir. You really have to go to another hospital to find out what the cause is, and then go to the hospital where you had the surgery and get a refund. I hope you can return to your beautiful eyes as soon as possible. Cheer up!
07-07-02 09:40
Nim ㅠㅠ Is the top one a month old photo? Oh man, I must be really upset.. I really need a refund. Cheer up~ You had pretty eyes, so you'll be able to come back~ Cheer up~
07-07-02 11:20
It 's okay to re-operate 6 months ago . Be sure to go to another hospital and get a consultation.. If you can, get a refund and do it at another hospital.. Even an acquaintance said that it was wrong and she got more for the re-operation than for the cost of going quietly and doing the operation. . These days, it's posted on the internet, so whatever you do, it seems to work .
07-07-02 11:48
Huh the specialist right? Ah, that's really cool. That hospital ㅡㅡ ... Re- operation is real human garbage .. Go with a scary friend and get your money back !!!!!!!! You really need to get it , so do the surgery again at a better place ! Hurry up~ If you don't, there are many cases where it doesn't work well even if you do it later! Get your money back soon!
07-07-02 15:26
Ah.. be strong.
07-07-02 16:35
Be strong, don't be so bad.
07-07-03 00:15
Cheer up!! What hospital is this? Please let me know.
07-07-03 09:14
What kind of surgery did you do like that? Don't even say sorry!!!! Which hospital is it??? Too bad!!!
07-07-03 14:31
병원정보 좀 꼭좀 알려주세요!
07-07-03 23:45
Your eyes really reminds me of your eyes before my reoperation. After I cry, they are like your eyes. And they look more swollen from crying. But I think the surgery failed. At first, the swelling would go down, but after a month or two, a year and two years, I realized that my eyes were wrong. This is clearly the doctor's apology. If anyone can feel that this is wrong, it is the doctor's fault. .....
07-07-04 10:47
Haha;; It's definitely the hospital's fault;
07-07-04 22:18
I'm trying to be a couple, but I'm worried~ It must have been a really difficult decision, but you must be very upset~ Please tell me where the hospital is~ I'll have to avoid it~
07-07-04 22:52
What hospital is it?
07-07-05 12:05
Don't be offended, it's a very bad place. It's really irresponsible. It's not like anyone else, it's not that they don't think differently about people's faces.. irresponsible people, cheer up!!
07-07-05 22:07
Cheer up!!! Don't really think badly! Please tell us about the hospital!!
07-07-06 01:55
water drop plastic surgery
hospital info
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