It's been 3 months..
I posted a picture last time...
but back then it was even more flipped...
my eyelid.....
Even though it's been 3 months, it's still completely lifted... I was
taking my college graduation picture today...
but in the end I couldn't take it. ...ㅠㅠ
The hospital keeps telling me to wait...ㅜㅜ
The other day, I was a Naver intellectual...
There were people asking if Gangnam XXX plastic surgery was good...
I told them to never go there. I regret it. When I
left a comment saying I had valgus
, the hospital I worked at called me right away. I told you to delete it.. and that
you would report it to the cyber crime investigation unit
.. I'm really embarrassed even now..
I still can't stand it when I see my eyes lifted..
I'm really upset..
Reoperation may be expensive, so please recommend a good place..ㅠㅜ
I read that article... I was really confused when I read it... I haven't done it yet, so I'm very worried about this and that... I'm sorry for not being able to recommend a hospital because I'm looking into the system... I hope you have successful reoperation and have beautiful eyes. .
Oh my god ㅠㅠ You must be so upset.. Still, I have a friend around me who got eye surgery and became prettier again. Cheer up, too. Don't trust the internet too much, and be careful.. You'll feel fine again, too. ^^ Cheer up.. By the way..
hospital. Can I ask you where it is??
When I look at the picture, I'm not sure if it's distorted. It looks like you'll look pretty with makeup. Please take a good look. I hope you get the reoperation in a place where people around you say it went well. ^^ But they say it's wrong, so why report it to the cyber crime investigation team~???
저도 쌍수술해서 눈까뒤비지고 속눈썹안 속살 다보여서 화장안하면 진짜 동태눈깔 같았거든요.. 한 6개월간 고생했구요..지금 8개월쯤 됐는데.. 그나마 좀
많이 괜찮아졌어요.. 사진상으로 봤을땐 님보다제가 더심했던거 같은데여..
저는 현금으로 깍아서 260주고 했는데.. 아직까지 후회만땅이에여...
그러나 시간이 조금 해결해 주는거 같아요.. 그 긴시간동안 고통스러웠지만..
세상에.. 뭘 잘못했다고 신고래요? 완전 적반하장!! 재수술은 바로 안된다죠?
아마... 흐음.. 좀만 더 기달리셨다가 괜찮은 병원에서 재수술하시구 예쁜 눈되세요.. 완전 울컥인데요.. 그 병원!
근데.. 그 병원 어딘지 혹시 여쭤봐도 될까요? (속상하신데 죄송요..ㅠ)
저도 수술후에 오른쪽 눈커풀이 들려서 눈도 다 안감기고 그랬는데..6일정도부터 내려와서 얼마나 다행이었는지 몰라요..5일동안 정말 딱 죽고싶기 전만큼 속상했는데..근데..3개월이면..웬만한 부기는 빠지니까 전 3개월후에 병원에 다시한번 가기로했는데..(아직 쌍컵이 짝짝이에요..ㅠㅠ)
속상하시겠지만 마음 단단히 먹고 다른의사분들 상담을 받아보시는것도 좋을것 같아요..저도 그 병원 정보 부탁드릴게요..
진짜 체질상 그럴수도있는거같애요.저도 12월말에 했는데 5월 말되서야 조금씩 빠지고있어요.전 원래 울어도 잠많이 자도 금방붓는체질이예요.
그리고 저도 옛날에 처음사진 봤는데 그때보다 많이 내려오셨는데요..
전 지금도 다안내려왔어요.방금전에 울어서 또 잔뜩 부었어요.글구 전 처음에한쪽만 너무심하게 들려서 엄청 걱정했는데 지금에서야 내려왔다니깐요.
뒤쪽도 내려오겠거니 기다리고 있어요.님도 스마일~~긍정적인생각이 중요한거같아요.자꾸 거울도 보지마세요.전 중독되서 계속거울보고 울고,,,,
글구 라인은 예쁜데요? 우리힘내요..