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[Double eyelid Burial] I did the burial and trimming haha

Date 24.09.06 09:25:42 View 639
330 만원
During days
40 Days

These days, the popular semi-outline is not the look I want, so before the surgery, I only looked for reviews of natural in-outline. I went to several large hospitals for consultation, but among the private hospitals, this one had good consultations and the shape of the line was what I wanted, so I had the surgery at Aiho Plastic Surgery. When you enter the hospital, the director consults first, and it was surprising that they didn't go through the director for the first consultation. In the second consultation, when they were setting the line height and shape, they checked my pupil size and adjusted the thickness of my double eyelids. Since the director looks at my eyes and decides what kind of surgery I need, I think there is absolutely no overtreatment. They recommended the burial method (they said it's the same as natural adhesion) + upper eyelid surgery + lower eyelid surgery, but when I asked if it wouldn't end up in the shape of the letter "ㄷ" if I did it wrong, they said that the proportions would improve overall and I would look more refreshed than I am now, and that I didn't have to worry because the incision wouldn't go all the way to the conjunctiva to prevent it from forming a "ㄷ" shape. I was worried about the team, but after hearing the explanation, I trusted and decided to do it, and after actually getting it done, it looked so natural that I almost regretted not doing itㅋㅋㅋ Before the surgery, if I put on heavy eye makeup, I would look older and it felt like my makeup and my eyes were separate, but now I look refreshed even with just a little bit and I'm so satisfied! The director seems sincere about the consultation and aftercare, so it would be good for people who want to get advice on which eye shape is right for them rather than a trendy one ㅎㅎ My swelling went down so quickly that after a few days, I could just take off my hat and walk aroundㅎㅎ

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