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[Revision Surgery] I had my third revision surgery.

Date 24.06.27 12:29:39 View 647

재수술 전이야

<재수술 전이야>

2주 지난 모습

<2주 지난 모습>

As I wrote in the title, this is my third surgery haha.. The first surgery was done through non-incision a few years ago, but it went away quickly in less than 2 years.. Haha. At that time, I thought that any place that recommended eye correction was excessive (among the hospitals I went to for consultation). (There was no hospital that explained why eye correction was necessary.) I did it at a place where surgery was possible only through non-incision surgery without eye correction, but maybe that was the cause of the problem, and it seemed to resolve quickly, so the lines were loosened, but since the eye shape was asymmetrical, I corrected the asymmetry and adjusted the lines. I had a reoperation with an incision + eye correction to make it look clearer. The lines were clear, but the asymmetry that I had requested before entering the operating room was not improved at all..^^ I don't know that the hospital seemed to have done enough... I didn't want to receive it even though they offered it at other places, so I ended up looking into the first hospital and the second hospital. They were both large hospitals that were recognizable by name, but contrary to my expectations that they would have a well-organized system because they were large hospitals, there were too many patients and only one hospital was required. I felt that one person was not being managed properly. So, I deliberately looked into eye specialty + private hospitals. I thought that eye specialty hospitals would be better at difficult reoperations, and I was hoping that if it was a private hospital, the care would be more attentive than a large hospital. I went with . I carefully looked through all the reviews on the Seongyesa Cafe app and made a list, but the hospital I visited earlier didn't really feel like it was the place to go, so I said I would go for more consultations. But the last hospital I went to, Olo, had a longer AS period than the hospital I went to first, and the director was the one I went to. He immediately identified the asymmetrical part that was causing stress, and told me to prioritize improving the asymmetry and focus on improving the sagging double eyelid line... Even though I didn't tell him first, he recognized it at once and pointed out exactly what the priority was, so I scheduled the surgery right away next week. I even set a date. I had heard a lot of people say that my under-eye bags were so bad that I looked puffy, and I looked tired. I was worried about whether I should get filler or under-eye bags. But I came to an eye hospital and was having revision eye surgery, so I decided to get it done, so I had the under-eye surgery done as well. Because I received it again, I had to make an incision again. The director lined the eyes several times and had them close and open. He looked closely and said that it looked like the eye correction was done in pairs. I wondered what that meant, but the muscles on both sides were tied differently.. ㅠㅠ ha ㅠㅠ;; So, they said it would have made my eyes look more pair-like. Also, I heard a lot of people say that I looked sleepy around that time because the eye correction that had been fixed had loosened. I thought it was because the eye area was sagging, but the eye correction was coming off. So, incision reoperation + eye correction + under eye area. This is how I got it. After the surgery, there was less swelling than I expected. It was the first time I had a non-incision surgery, and the second time I had an incision surgery... Maybe I'm the type of person who swells particularly well, but the swelling was severe and didn't go away very well, but by the time the stitches came out, there was a lot of it. It was amazing that it had subsided, and of course it felt a bit unnatural, but I was still curious to see the swelling go down quickly and settle down . After the second week, I felt like my double eyelids were a little uneven, so I was scared and cried a lot to the doctor, but it was because the swelling had not gone down yet. After it falls out, it will settle down properly. I calmly told him that it wasn't anything strange and that I didn't have to worry too much, so I calmed down as well ^^;; Before, at hospitals, I had a strong feeling that when I went to see my progress, I had little time to see the director and that they only looked after me because I was busy, but for me, this was my third eye surgery, it was a refreshing shock ^^; After receiving the puffiness laser treatment provided at the hospital and going for a walk, I felt it settling down naturally as the director said. The asymmetry that was bothering me was definitely corrected, and the area under my eyes naturally improved, making me look much younger and more lively. My ability to open my eyes has improved a lot compared to before, so I tried again. I am completely satisfied. Those of you who are thinking about reoperation..... This is a long post because I was writing this with the hope that you would check what the hospital care is like, whether the director accurately understands the patient's needs, and whether he is good at even difficult surgeries. Thanks for reading haha

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