Job Review

First massage review

Date 11.02.21 18:02:02 View 4,663

I'll upload a picture I took after taking off the chest bandage. My husband asked me if he did it like a *** movie star, but he doesn't seem to hate it . They say things like that lol Is it okay to just become prettier after plastic surgery? I 'm sorry for the kids, but these days I'm spending every day frantically taking care of my body . My kids also gave birth naturally, but after general anesthesia, I'm thinking about taking care of my meals and taking a potion after a while because I'm afraid it will be harmful to my body. I feel like my body is getting better because I 'm mentally comfortable, but I'm looking into this and that because of my age lol . Even if you are not suffering from heartburn, there is definitely a solution . Let's focus on women's bodies! Haha I knew she was a young girl, but I knew her age by looking at her breasts. Of course, this guess may be because I am sensitive to myself because of my breasts, but…..the feeling is likely to be true ㅋ I have wrinkles on my chest so much, who would look at my sagging breasts and see them as younger ㅠ Today I went to the hospital and unstitched stitches ㅋ The picture is This is a picture I took with my chest and bandages removed before surgery. I took the bandages off and checked to see if there was enough space in the chest, but I was completely dizzy,,,,,,,,,,,,, Another picture taken while I was lying down for a while! keke These days, I only have a bunch of pictures of my breasts on my cell phone hahaha And even pictures taken at home after untying the stitches ^^ A lot of bruises are gone.. But it seems like my breasts are getting too big, right? I told you to make it a full B cup, but it came out so big ㅠㅠ I don't know if it's noticeable when I'm working ㅠㅠ It's the beginning, so there is swelling, but will it decrease after a while? Is that right?? I didn't say that I was having surgery at my place of work, but I said that I was on leave because of work at home ;; really! I just heard that the massage hurts!! I knew I was going to die lol. First massage!! I will give you a cold sweat hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I can lean on you Next time, I want to upload a picture with a prettier chest. How much massage should I do? Is it about 6 months?? Is there still a long way to go?? I forgot to ask the nurse and came down ㅠㅠ Friends around me are all focused on my chest (I'm the first to start breast surgery around me!! blah) If I show you a picture today, I'm probably going to get jealous . Is this okay? right? Then I'll post another review ^^

백화점's More Posts
Cmts 15
You did a good job.. congratulations ^^
11-02-21 20:59
Wow, congratulations!!
11-02-22 01:35
Congratulations! Please give me some info
11-02-22 04:35
Chuka Chuka I also made a reservation for my mother of two on the 25th ^^ Where did you do it?? Just looking at the picture makes me feel a little bit sad....
11-02-22 10:18
Wow congratulations ^^ Take good care of it~
11-02-22 17:36
Information please. How much vacation did you take?
11-02-22 21:52
2주 휴가 냈어요
이번달 까지 집안일이 있어서 어쩔수 없이 쉬게 됐다고 말했는데
가슴이 이렇게 커져서 의심할것 같네요 ㅎㅎ
근데 구지 그렇게 오래 휴가 안내셔도 충분히 회복이 될것 같네요^^
11-02-23 00:16
관리는 남편이 열심히 해주고 있어서 다행이에요 ^^ 아이님 감사하구요
감자돌이님두 이쁘게 잘 되시길 기도드릴께요^^
11-02-23 00:22
축하드려요 저도 정보좀 주세용 ~
11-02-28 18:11
네 축하 해주셔시고 감사^^ 정보 쪽지 드렸어요 한번 읽어 보시고
잘 선택하세요 ^^
11-02-28 18:48
저도 자세한 정보 부탁드려요~~~~
11-03-01 02:13
거상술 안하신거죠? 전 가슴이 쳐져서 거상술 하라고 하던데..ㅠㅠ
병원정보랑 가격좀 알려주세요
11-03-07 03:39
11-03-13 05:38
늦게 리플에 쪽지 남겨 드려서 확인하실지 모르겠지만 쪽지는 다 드렸어요^^
11-03-21 18:29
님!저도 정보 부탁드려도되여?전결혼안햇는데 나중에애낳을대 모유슈우하려면 유륜도갠찬나여
11-03-28 13:06
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