Job Review

[Breast Enlargement] This is an honest review of 4 years of breast enlargement since there are usually no reviews from 5 years.

Date 24.05.06 03:44:36 View 3,373
During days

It took about a month to make up my mind about surgery and decide on a hospital. Fortunately, like many people who have had successful surgery, I am satisfied with the hospital I chose. For those who are afraid because it is their first time having surgery, I will explain the criteria for choosing the hospital. Please understand even if I write without words. I chose 5-6 places out of my own hand and consulted with them all in person before making a decision. I remember looking into hospitals that felt more like a factory than I thought, or hospitals that didn't have CCTV in the operating room. The most important thing to me was that I complete the surgery safely, so no matter how famous it was or how good the reviews were, I only filtered out hospitals unless they were classified as plastic surgery (I couldn't help but cry). I think they prioritized hospitals based on things like how accurately the consulting doctor explained things and what they would do if there were any side effects. After that, they also looked at things like price range and additional benefits.  My first priority is to perform the surgery safely. Of the three hospitals I was considering until the end, I chose my current hospital and there was a hospital that I was always disappointed with, but that hospital disappeared two years later;;  The hospital where I had the surgery has expanded and seems to be doing better. They provide ultrasound services every year, so I made an appointment until last year and went to see the ultrasound. Each time, when I asked questions, they were less friendly than before the surgery, but they answered everything, so I still think I chose the right hospital. As you can see from other surgery reviews, I also experienced similar things like hot flashes and muscle pain in the beginning. . However, even though I had a sore arm, I didn't really feel any bruises, so I heard a lot of people who were exchanging reviews at the time saying I was lucky. I heard that there is a big difference in pain depending on how skilled you are when using chest room for the first time. I was very satisfied until the first 2~3 years. In the summer, I think it was a big problem that I didn't wear a silicone nub bra that was heavier than my chest and that it made my clothes fit even if I just put on nipple patches. For reference, I have a 70' ribcage and fit 345/325cc on both sides, and I heard that it would be about a full D size. However, after the surgery, the size was 70F. To be honest, it may be because the center of gravity has changed as much as the breast size, so it is a bit difficult when exercising. I think it is because of the feeling of a foreign body. These days, I am regretting having taken the size 325/300. I always lived with pain in the back of my neck, so I thought it was just me. Looking at some of the reviews, it seems like there are often people like me. Of course, there is also a feeling of a foreign body. When I first consult, they say that I will regret less if I make it bigger, but I think it is best to go a moderately large size according to my rib cage size. And unlike other people, I have skin allergies. There are hospitals that prescribe oral medications called capsular contracture drugs. Most people seem to be saying that they don't have to take it, and I've seen a lot of people who don't take it even after being prescribed it, but if I didn't have this medicine, I would have taken it right away because of the itchiness. I still experience the phenomenon of skin itchiness suddenly rising and then subsiding once a day. It's not as bad as the first time, so I don't have to take medication, but it's hard to imagine what it would have been like if it weren't for the contracture medicine in the beginning. I heard that the side effect that occurs in people who have a small ribcage but have a large size or have thin skin is a rippling phenomenon inside the chest. I think it's because it's bigger. The skin on the inside of my breasts, which was made larger, is a little lumpy when I touch it, but I feel pain sometimes, and the hospital hasn't given me any indication of rupture or need for reoperation, so I'm just staying with it. Summary : Be careful when choosing a hospital. Pros: I've grown in size, so I really like the way my clothes fit. Disadvantages Foreign body sensation Neck pain Allergic reaction The size is reasonable , but I'm not good at writing , but I think I wrote too long, so I summarized it, but if I can help you with the pros and cons I've experienced, I'll reply. I've been thinking about having a second surgery to reduce the size for a while. If anyone is satisfied, I would be very grateful if you could leave a review.

랄랄솔's More Posts
Cmts 36
Wow, thank you so much for the honest review. Could you please give me some information??
24-05-06 04:00
* this is a secret.
24-05-07 01:17
촉감은 어때
24-05-06 04:50
나는 스무스여서 6개월동안 보정브라하고 지냈는데 보정브라풀면서부터 느꼈던 촉감이랑 지금이랑 별 차이 없는거같아. 가슴근육에 힘 안 들어가게 잘 조절하면 아주 말랑말랑말랑 그치만 가슴근육에 어떻게든 힘 들어가는순간 바로 탱탱볼행ㅋㅋ
24-05-07 01:16
나도 수술 전에는 이물감 생각 못했는데 지금 하고나니까 이 이물감은 어쩔 수 없겠구나.. 하는 중 ㅠㅠ 난 문제만 없다면 10년 뒤에 아예 보형물 빼려구 ㅎㅎ
24-05-06 10:26
ㅋㅋ진자로 ~ 엎드리면 비치볼 위로 기대는느낌이야 ㅠ
보형물 빼는것도 생각해봤는데 보형물 있던자리만큼 흉부가 압박되있어서 수술전의 몸매로 돌아가지못하고 움푹 패인다는 얘기를 들었어ㅠㅠ
24-05-07 01:19
솔직 후기 고마워! 혹시 병원 정보 알 수 있을까?
24-05-06 11:24
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-07 01:25
소중한 정보 고마워!!
24-05-07 10:09
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-06 13:59
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-07 01:24
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-09 15:48
촉감 궁금해! 보형물 뭘로했엉? 멘엑이랑 모티바 고민중인데 ㅜㅜ 추천해줄 만한거 있닝
24-05-06 18:37
나는 스무스타입으로 했어! 이유는 단순히 그냥 내 근조직?이랑 실리콘 보형물이 달라붙는다는게 싫었던거같아ㅎ  잘 알아보고 선택하길 바래~
24-05-07 01:27
부럽다잉 촉감도조아?
24-05-06 19:54
말랑해. 촉감이 좋다 나쁘다로 나눌 수 있는 건 아닌거 같아
아무리 말랑해도 역시 찐슴이랑은 차이가 있을 수 밖에 없어. 찐슴이랑 비교해서 구분 못할정도의 촉감이냐고 묻는다면 수술로 절대 그렇게 구현할 순 없어.
24-05-07 01:33
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-07 00:38
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-07 01:36
오.. 나 수술한지 일주일 됐ㅇ는데 나도 좀 작게 할걸 그랬낭 ㅜ
혹시 수술 전 사이즈 뭔지 알려줄 수 있오?
24-05-07 01:41
수술 전 70B 였엉. 왕가슴 되보니깐 옆모습 부해보이고 핏되는 옷아님 덩치도 커보이고 목도 짧아보이고 옷태는 가슴이 적당히만 있는게 더 좋은거같더라 덜입을수록 예뻐 ㅋㅋ물론 내 개인적인 의견이얌.. 지금 흉곽이랑 둘레 사이즈 어떻게 나와?
24-05-07 02:25
나 흉곽67인데 둘레는 아직 안 재봤오..나는 자산 꽉a에 310넣었눈뎅 ( Ĭ ^ Ĭ ) 나도 좀 부해보이는 거 싫어하거던 예사 글 보니까 좀 줄일걸 그랬나바
24-05-07 14:54
병원에서 추구하는 바스트 라인이나 보형물종류에 따라서도 핏이 많이 달라지는거 같더라! 나랑 비슷한 스펙에 나보다 cc 훨씬 많이 들어간 사람도 사이즈 차이 나는 경우도 봤어! 수술 언제 했는지는 모르겠지만 6개월까지는 천천히 지켜봐봐 예쁘게 됐을거야 ㅎㅎ
24-05-12 23:56
누웠을땐 탱탱불같은 느낌이 커..? 촉감이 어떤지 궁금해ㅠㅠ 찐가슴이랑 차이가 많이 날까?
24-05-07 01:53
촉감은 진짜랑 구분 못할수가없어 ㅎㅎ
24-05-07 02:27
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-11 20:02
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-12 23:56
우와 자세한 후기 고마워! 난 3일차인데 오래된 후기 궁금했어!
24-05-15 14:58
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-30 21:02
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-31 04:56
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-06-03 00:26
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-08-15 03:02
알러지는 생각도 못했는데 병원정보 알려줄수있어??
24-08-05 07:07
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-08-15 03:04
알러지는 생각도 못했는데 병원정보 알려줄수있어??
24-08-05 07:07
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-08-15 02:49
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-08-15 03:03
water drop plastic surgery
hospital info
저희 엄마도 가슴이 없는 편은 아니라서 유전은 아닌 것 같은데 어릴 때부터 다이어트에 목숨 걸었던 편이라서 주기적으로 단식하면서 성장기에 끼니를 자주 안 챙겨먹었더니 ... 가슴이 작은게 아니라 그냥 없는 편이였어요 가슴에 스트레스를 자주 받아하시는 걸 엄마가 아시고 그럴거면 차라리 수술 하라고 먼저 권유해주셔서 진짜 전 0.1초 고민도 안 하고 바로 알겠다고 그럼 수술 하겠다고 오케이하고 바로 그 다음날부터 여기저기 조언도 얻어가면서 가슴 전문 병원으로 알아본 다음에 상담 다녔는데 상담 다녔던 병원들 중에서 물방울 성형외과 이영대원장님한테 수술 받았어요! 일단, 원장님이 하루에 수술을 2건밖에 안 하신다는 점이 가장 마음에 들었고 개인병원이라서 처음부터 끝까지 저한테 신경 잘 써주신다는 점도 좋았고 사후관리가 무제한에 캡스도 있는 병원이라서!! 가슴이 특히 사후관리가 중요하다고 해서 후관리 체계적으로 있는 병원으로 결정하고 지금은 수술 받은지 몇 개월정도 지났는데 아주 만족해요! ㅠㅠ그동안 스트레스 받았던 나날들이여.. 체형 고려해서 원장님이 사이즈 잘 잡아주셔서 전혀 부자연스럽지도 않고 모양도 uu모양이랑 i골 모두 다 잘 살려주셨어요! 수술 하기 전에 인스타에서 한창 광고하던 가슴골 모아준다던 속옷을 사서 해봐도 전혀 모아지지 않았었는데 물방울에서 수술하고 나니까 그런 보정속옷 안 입어도 충분히 가슴골 잘 생겨서 만족하면서 살고 있습니다....! 감사합니다 원장님! ps. 가슴 크면 헬스장에서 인바디 잴 때 체지방량 적게 나오는데 제가 물방울에서 수술 하기 전 인바디 체지방은 9였구 수술하고 나서 회복기 끝나고 다시 인바디 재니까 12 나오더라구여 ㅎ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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