Job Review

[Breast Enlargement] Mentor Extra 230/255 5 month review

Date 24.04.18 15:24:00 View 3,059
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총 4개의 사진이 등록된 글 입니다.

This is the third breast review ^^ 1 month → 3 months → 5 months As I continued to use it, what did I feel at the time? I feel like I can learn more about the changes in breast texture and shape, so I plan to continue using them in the future if I have the time. Implants: Menek 230/255cc and underwent surgery for the shoulder joints. Since I have double breasts, both sides were of different sizes. Stories of things and minor discomforts I felt at the beginning of the surgery. It's written in the review at the front, so take a look at that! After about 5 months, I can feel my breasts settling more than before. I think I did a really good job of adding different sizes as recommended by the doctor. After my breasts got bigger, I realized how important it is to match the size of both sides. It's because I didn't pay attention to it because I had small breasts. ^^ What I felt when I went from three months to five months was: 1. The upper bulge had come down a lot. Even in the 3rd month, my breasts were well brought together, but I thought there was still some swelling in the upper bulge, but a lot of that went away and it looked much more natural. 2. The scar has become lighter. At first, I used to apply a scar ointment like Noscana, but you know... it's annoying to apply something like this consistently ^^ So, to be honest, I didn't apply it for a longer period of time, but the scar has become much lighter than then. The incision line itself is also in the armpit wrinkles. It overlaps so much that you can't see it unless you look closely. Who in the world would stare at my armpits.. haha ​​3. It was a good thing I had a mentor. The feel is really good.. This is something that only people who have had the surgery themselves don't know, so people who feel the same way do it once. I want to let you touch it ㅠ Because I felt it when I was looking into breast surgery and I still feel it now, but most people think that Motiva is unconditionally better... Of course, there are people who prefer Motiva because it has a high filling rate and feels good to the touch, but choosing an implant depends on others' choice. I don't want to do it, but I just want to make the choice by my own choice so that I don't have any regrets later... I also debated until the end between Motiva and Menek, but the doctor checked my skin type and told me that Menek was a good implant, so I went with Menek. This is my first time having breast surgery. Summer is approaching, and I've been waiting for this time... ^^ Now, I'm going to wear all the clothes I wanted to wear (of course, I'm still wearing pretty underwear), and I'm going to try out some hot swimsuits during my vacation! It seems that the high level of satisfaction with breast surgery is all because of increased self-esteem... That's how I am haha. Anyway, I'm constantly writing reviews. I hope it helps as many entertainers as I do. At this level, I think I'm a public servant that even entertainers recognize. ^^

헬로헬로마이's More Posts
Cmts 13
I enjoyed the review. The breasts are so pretty! I'm also working on my feet these days, and the Menek feels better than the Motiva! The implants that are used are different at each hospital, so some hospitals only allow Motiva surgery if you want to have it done by the representative director. ㅠ I'm going to give it a lot of thought before making my choice.. hahahaha
24-04-18 16:17
Oh, I'm also really worried. Should I go with Motiva or Menek? ㅜ But my breasts are so pretty, they're turning me upside down.
24-04-18 20:22
* 비밀글 입니다.
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