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I had surgery~

Date 10.09.20 19:45:38 View 2,636

I had surgery at 11 am today. I had saline solution in my belly button. I wanted to have a full B cup, but the director recommended a B cup, so I just gave it to the director (before the surgery, I had an AAA cup ^^;) But after the surgery, I put 270 on the left side and 300 on the right side. He said he put them in. I have flat breasts. The protrusion of my ribs is a bit different, so he said that even after the surgery, I can't help but have flat breasts. Also, the bottom line of my breasts is naturally crooked... ㅠㅠ But wouldn't it be a C cup at this level? It seems like you put in more than you thought. I ordered a shaper bra. At first, he told me to buy a 65D cup, but later he changed it to a 70E. My body size is 166 and I weigh about 47, and my ribcage is 67-8 (on the narrow side), but this is what the director said after the surgery. He said that in this case, it is wide because the distance between the breasts is long . I can't satisfy both the look and the feel, but I was worried during the surgery and they said they made the feel better... I don't know what the look will be like... Anyway, I feel relieved after doing it. I went alone because I wanted to do it so no one would know. It was a little difficult. I felt dizzy. I came out of the hospital, got a prescription for medicine, went to Hyundai Department Store, ordered a corrective bra, and took a taxi. I felt nauseous in the taxi. I was walking alone, but I got dizzy. So I thought, let's make up our minds !! I'm here.. My mom, who doesn't know I had surgery, called me, and I felt sad for no reason talking on the phone as if nothing had happened. After coming home and eating porridge, I felt better. I think I'll have to spend the Chuseok holiday alone. I'll post a picture later after the bandage comes off ------- -------------------------------------- Today is the 2nd day. I lie down until dawn and morning and can't get up. It was hard (because I was really hungry ㅠㅠ), but it got better in the afternoon and I had no problem doing all the housework and cooking. But when I tried to sleep... the bandage was itchy ㅠㅠ I'm going crazy, I can't sleep... ㅠ I'm really struggling. I want to throw it away!! I guess I'll just have to stay awake and watch a movie ㅠㅠ Time really doesn't pass... I was originally going to solve it on Thursday, but since it's the Chuseok holiday, I'm leaving on Friday... I don't know how I'll survive until then...ㅜㅜ

아름다운걸's More Posts
Cmts 9
Please give me saline solution belly button information^^
10-09-21 10:35
I'm curious about the photo. It's amazing that you didn't let your mom know..^^ I'm worried that the rain hurts.. If you're able to recover, please write a review^^
10-09-21 15:39
I gave you the saline solution information . Thank you for your concern ^^I had surgery without anyone knowing, so I can't even tell and am playing alone... haha ​​I'll post a picture after the bandages come off~
10-09-21 15:54
Could you please give me the hospital information?
10-09-24 19:02
Please give me information about the belly button surgery hospital^^*
10-09-25 23:46
Please give me some information.
10-09-26 01:54
Please me too~
10-09-26 02:53
I gave you information~~
10-09-26 23:05
godqhr: )
Please give me information^.^
10-09-27 00:58
eye plastic surgery
hospital info
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