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[Breast Enlargement] Mentor Extra 230/255 three-month car review

Date 24.02.16 15:46:48 View 4,510
총 5개의 사진이 등록된 글 입니다.

Hello, I didn't originally plan on writing another review, but I was surprised to see that I had cleavage, so I decided to do it again. I tried uploading as many photos as possible to show the patients, but I'm not sure if it will help. ^^ I had surgery in November, and it's already been three months. I'm in the early stages of surgery. In the beginning, I had swelling in my abdomen and felt uncomfortable because I was wearing a correction bra due to the upper convexity, but after that period, I got used to it to some extent, but I lost all the weight I had gained due to the swelling, so I think it would be comfortable to think of the first month as an adaptation period. And then in the second month. From then on, the discomfort was almost gone, so I tended to pay more attention to the feel and shape. From this time on, I stopped wearing a correction bra and wore a bob, and it was amazing that in the first month, the ridges that had not formed even when I wore a bob began to loosen and gradually appear..! Now that it's been three months, I'm at the point where I can easily get cleavage just by wearing a bralette haha. If I wear clothes that show a little cleavage like in the second picture, my body looks really good and the fit of my clothes changes. Since it's still winter, I bundle up and wear clothes, but I hope it's summer soon.. haha ​​And Sometimes, it seems like there is a misunderstanding among artists... I heard that just because the swelling goes down, it doesn't mean that the size of the breasts will decrease significantly. Literally, the swelling in the body goes down. It doesn't mean that the size of the implant placed inside my skin increases and then decreases. So, the size of the implant I want. Only after surgery, you will be able to get a satisfactory size when all the body swelling goes down. When I received a consultation for a while, I told the doctor about the size I wanted and was recommended. I put in 230cc on the left and 255cc on the right, and I am satisfied because it came out exactly as I wanted. It's clear that the three-month gap has resolved a lot, but Salseong said I have to wait at least half a year, so I'm thinking of staying calm. For your information, I had surgery under a mentor. Motiva is not necessarily the answer, so don't have surgery according to other people's standards, do it by your own choice. I wish I had surgery, but from experience, I don't have any regrets in the end ^^

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