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[Breast Enlargement] breast fat transplant

Date 23.12.27 12:41:10 View 3,479
450 만원
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26 Days
총 5개의 사진이 등록된 글 입니다.

Review of Globi's 3rd week of breast and abdominal acupressure. I received stem cell chest fat transplantation and abdominal liposuction from Dr. Nam Sang-jae of Globi. The bruising lasted for up to 3 weeks. I am naturally prone to bruising. My chest is still painless, and the abdominal pain is similar to bruising. It's been 3 weeks, and now it feels uncomfortable when I touch it. The swelling has gone down a lot. I'm satisfied with the increase in volume compared to the first time. If I have time, I want to do the second time. I ate hard to keep my breasts from shrinking, but my stomach didn't get in as much as I thought. But I like it because the bulge in my lower abdomen is gone! ! This is why I heard a lot about Jiheup. I highly recommend it to those who feel burdened by implants!! give

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23-12-27 13:42
크기 많이 큰게 아니라서ㅜ처짐 없어 !!
24-04-03 23:43
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23-12-27 14:59
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23-12-27 15:09
The most recent member's activity points for the past year are 100, but it does not amount to 100 points.Earn 100 points by writing and commenting.This bulletin board has 70 points for writing and 30 points for comments. The most recent member's activity points for the past year are 100, but it does not amount to 100 points.Earn 100 points by writing and commenting.This bulletin board has 70 points for writing and 30 points for comments.The most recent member's activity points for the past year are 100, but it does not amount to 100 points.Earn 100 points by writing and commenting.This bulletin board has 70 points for writing and 30 points for comments.
23-12-28 20:30
너무 예쁘다ㅠㅠ
23-12-31 10:32
너무 잘됐다!!!
23-12-31 13:03
지인짜 수고가 많다야 ㅎㅎ
24-01-09 07:26
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-01-16 20:17
너무 이쁘네요
24-01-18 01:07
지금은 어떤가요? 가슴은 더 줄었나요? 저도 글로비 가볼까 생각중인데, 생착률을 알고 싶습니다.
24-03-18 23:17
이쁘게 잘됐어여!!지금은 어떠신지 저도 궁금하네요
24-04-03 23:16
오옹 이쁘게 잘 됐다! 예사 몇CC 들어간거랭??
24-05-09 13:13
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-07-13 23:03
짝가슴이었어서 240/260넣었어요
부작용 하나도 없는것같아요
초음파나 가슴 검진 안받아봐서 그런지 석회화 오일낭종 있는지 잘 모르겠는데 아무 이상 없이 살아요
24-07-14 09:13
와 넘 잘됐어요 혹시 지금은 생착률 좀 어떠세요?
24-10-08 20:28
자연스럽게 잘됐당 정보 알려줄 수 있을까요??? 생착률도 궁금해욤
24-10-22 14:48
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