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3 times breast surgery

Date 10.06.16 20:29:04 View 4,073

At first, I did armpit incision saline 5 years ago from now on since I was in young high school . I had a small torso and I was about 160 tall, so I had to do this surgery.. The problem was still a tactile problem, so I lay down and stay there heh ㅠㅠ I did a lot of massage but it didn't get much better , so I just gave up and lived again 2 years ago, there 's something called kogel. It has a lot of texture and shape. I was told that it was natural, so I lied down for the second surgery . While massaging the left chest, while massaging left and right, up and down, I felt something puffy, and the upper chest started to swell up enormously, so I went to the hospital where I had surgery . I've lived up to now, but,, I didn't know how to make it so hard right now. If you're tired, heavy, or you like swimming, so you exercise or play like that, then the armpit crowds swell up a lot and you can touch it with your hand ㅜㅜ It hurts so much that the left side That's what I did, anyway, so I went to the surgical hospital and got a checkup ㅠㅠ I only prescribed medicine, but in the middle of it, I thought it was because of my breasts, so I went to the hospital to get a breast cancer test and ultrasound, etc. What the hell ............................... Really,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I was struck by lightning ,,,, ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ On my left chest there is a bag on my left chest that says it won't explode when I step on it . It burst and flowed over the top of my chest, and it broke into the crowd.. ㅠㅠ I was so surprised and told me,,, why it is rare for a doctor to give me comfort, not comfort.. Really ,,,,,,,, It seems that there is no such thing as perfection in the world.,,, so now I go back to the hospital and get the 3rd surgery ㅠㅠ My back is turning yellow and it's changing strangely ㅠㅠ The doctor took a picture of me,,, I don't think armpit incision will be allowed this time But the areola is small, so I had an incision under the breast ㅠㅠ It's been a week now, I'm in a compression bandage, but it hurts so much I 've had surgery 3 times hehe It's so painful now I think it's going to sting,,,,ㅠㅠ Huh,,,, ,,,,, these days, I’m stuck at home, and I’m living with the fun of making eye contact with the celebrant and eating ,,, ㅠㅠ I’m going to take off the bandages and get my first massage the next day and I’ll post again ,,, only those who are reading this ㅠㅠ Only this surgery was a great success I hope you win... haha After all, after-care for breast surgery is important. Massage + check-up and check-up!!!! Put it in your busted chest like me ㅠㅠ If you don't want to live,,,, definitely !!^^*

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어머나~ 그 힘든 수술을 세번씩이나 하셨다니 제가 맘이 다 아프네요.
뭐든지 삼세번이란 말도 있잖아요. 이번엔 정말 잘 되셨을 거예요.
걱정마시고 잘 회복하시길 바래요. 저도 유륜이 너무 작아서 어쩌지 했는데
결국 겨드랑이로 해야 하나봐요. 아~ 벌써부터 아픈것 같네요.
아픈 경험이실텐데 글 올려주시니 정말 감사해요. 조심할께요.
붕대풀고 회복되시면 사진도 올려주세요. 박수 많이 쳐드릴께요.
10-06-16 22:37
^^ 네 ,, 감사해여 정말글써주신분진심이느껴져서,, 마음이따뜻하네여 기분이너무좋와영 ^^* 글구 유륜이작으시면 겨드랑이절개가맞는거구영
요즘은 예전저할때랑틀리게 휸터두많이 안남드라구영 ^^ 수술생각중이시라면
님두 꼭꼭 예쁜가슴 되실꺼예영 ^^아픈건 한5일쯤이면괜찮구영 ~
10-06-16 22:51
총알도 못뚫는다던 코젤이 어떻게 맛사지로 터지나요 -_-;; 정품 아닌거 아닌가요? 확인해보셨어요? 글읽으면서 가슴이 찌릿찌릿하네요.. 속많이 상했겠어요.. 힘내세요.
10-06-17 00:47
ego; Stay strong!
10-06-17 08:13
힘든수술 들을 3번이나 겪으셨다니 우선 힘내시고 회복잘하시구요 .
쓴소리하자면 코젤로하고난뒤 정기검진은 일년에한번씩 꾸준히 받으세요 .
몸이 아파서 검진받고 알게되신거같은데..좀이상이있다싶음 바로 초음파해보셔야죠 ..수술한의사들이 하는말 너무믿지말길바래요
어쨌거나 지금수술로서 끝이나고 이쁜가슴 되셨으면 좋겠네요
고생하셨어요 ^^
10-06-17 11:18
한번도 힘든수술인데 세번이나.... 힘내시구 어서 회복하세요! ^^ 수술 잘되셨을꺼에요 ~
10-06-17 12:47
이번엔꼮 성공하시길빌게용 ㅠ.ㅠ 힝 !! 힘내세영~!~!~!
10-06-19 15:54
보형물 터지기 힘들다고 하던데.. 이번에는 정말 이쁜가슴얻으실꺼에요 힘들어두 몸관리 잘하시구 힘내세요^^
10-06-19 19:50
전 가슴수술 두번 다신 안하고싶어요 진짜..아픔 ㅜㅜ 힘내세요!예쁘게 되실꺼예여!
10-06-20 13:35
밥두 잘챙겨 먹구 잠두 많이자고 빨리 낳으세요
그힘든 가슴수술을 우와~ 정말 대단하신거 같아요
한번 하고도 힘들어 죽는 줄알았는데 파이팅~~~
10-06-21 09:13
아ㅠㅠ 힘드셨겠어요~! 빨리 회복되시길 바랍니다~~
10-06-21 20:22
I'm sure I'm successful.
10-06-28 08:27
어느 병원에서 검진 받으셨나요? 저도 불안해서 한 번 가봐야하는데
어디를 가야할지 몰라서...
10-06-30 12:53
진짜 고생 많으셨네요 ㅠ_ㅠ 이번엔 꼭 잘되실꺼예요.. 이쁘게 되시길 바래요~
백도 튼튼(?)해서.. 영구적으로다가 ㅠ_ㅠ 힘내세요
10-07-04 14:54
재수술 넘 비싼거아…
1번도 힘든데 3번이나..힘내세요^^
10-07-24 18:03
진짜 힘든시간 보내셨어요!! 힘내시고~ 예쁜 가슴 나올테니까^^
또 후기 올려주세요~~
10-08-08 02:21
힘내세욤^^ 남들보다 휠씬 이쁜 가슴 가지실거에여^^ 저도 병원을 잘 못 만나고생하고 저도 재수술까지하고 이번에 3번째 수술할려고 기다리고 있어요ㅠ
바로 못한다길래~ㅠ 정말 생각만함 넘 맘이 아프고 힘들어요!!!
그래서 누구보다 이해가 가네욤~!전 지금도 눈물이,,울컥하네요!맘 고생을 워낙 마니 한지라,,
힘내세욤^^ 정보 부탁드려요^^
10-08-14 02:16
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