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[Breast Enlargement] Men’s 5-10 week review

Date 23.08.14 10:10:22 View 3,518
1234 만원
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70 Days
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Men's 5th-10th week review [Size] Before surgery: Meager breasts that still have an A cup. After surgery: 75B-70C / 295cc, 350cc [Incision] Arm joint. Up until a month ago, I had to have a hemlock for reoperation and I tend to wear sleeveless tops, so I regretted it a bit, but I felt like if I had done it with a bottom knuckle, I would have unnecessarily and forcefully informed too many people about the surgery, so now I think it was a good decision to have a bottom knuckle. box. [Scar] A lot of redness has disappeared, but the scar is not greatly relieved. I received scar injections at the hospital, and they provided me with scar ointment, which I am using consistently. They said the scars will get better after 3 months, so I'm not too worried about them. There was discoloration on the armpit line due to rubbing against the upper band, but I was told that this would get better over time. [Feeling] I haven't touched my breasts often to check their texture, but if you go through life without realizing it, they become quite soft at some point. [Swelling] After the 4-5th week, the swelling suddenly went down. I'm not sure now, but when I felt it, I thought there was no significant swelling due to the surgery. [Life] I went for a checkup in the 5th week that was scheduled for the 4th week on a personal schedule, and the doctor told me that it was okay to sleep on my side, so I was sleeping more comfortably than before. I can lie down briefly, but it doesn't seem to be a big problem. When I put my arms up on the desk to write or type, I end up supporting my body with my arms without realizing it, and sometimes I feel a tightness as if it's putting a bit of strain on my chest. Even though I moved a lot of luggage for a week due to the office relocation, there was no discomfort other than the stiff feeling mentioned above. Sometimes I feel a sharp pain in my chest. The arm below the incision area often feels strangely painful, but it's not a big deal, so I'll ask about it when I visit the hospital in two weeks. [Kindness] The inside of the incision was tied with dissolvable thread, but the meltable thread protruded out during the third week of surgery. I'm insensitive to these kinds of things, so I didn't even contact the hospital and just left it alone. When I had my 5-week checkup, they asked if I had any inconveniences, and I told them. The nurse and doctor checked three times and reassured me. I wasn't paying much attention because the protruding thread was gone right before the checkup, but I was glad that they paid more attention to me than I did. All staff at the hospital, including doctors, nurses, coordinators, skin therapists, and desk staff, are all friendly.

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