Job Review

[Breast Enlargement] Breast enlargement review!

Date 23.02.11 16:10:03 View 638
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I always had a complex about my small breasts ㅠㅠㅠI'm still not skinny, but even when I worked out to tone my body, I always felt like I was disappointed with my lack of breasts, and people around me also said they wish I had more breasts!!!! Take a break from work. As , the most desired breast surgery on my bucket list was the first thing I did!!! I chose this after reading various reviews and comments, and the consultation manager was kind and well-tailored to my needs, so I took the burden off. It seems like they helped me decide on the surgery without having to worry about it lol. The director in charge also seems to have become more confident in the simple and professional explanations!!! Everyone says he's putting a lot of effort into it, but that's right! I decided right away that this was it!! The discomfort and pain after waking up from anesthesia after surgery was within the expected range, so I felt calm on the first day. Thanks to the pain relief injection, I rested well and moved on to the second day with only a little stiffness when moving. It was similar, but the pain was definitely controlled. It’s easy.!! I felt painless and itchy, so I took it 30 minutes ago. The pain-free feeling has been eliminated. Rather, I feel free and comfortable because the pain has been reduced! I am very satisfied with the shape I can see in just one day!!! My upper breasts were slightly saggy and I had small breasts, but now my breasts are I feel cute for the first time!!!! I’m waiting for my breasts to become cuter every day

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