I had plastic surgery at the age of 20 for the first time because of the smooth and soft feel, but after 3 years, there was a slight fold of the implant on the lower left side, so I had a reoperation (replacement of the implant) at the same hospital with Motiva. That was when Motiva first came out, so it was a time when there was a 2mm microchip in the implant. I think the implant replacement went well. I'm rather satisfied with the touch, and I'm satisfied with the shape and size. The massage was consistently good, but I couldn't help it because of the smooth nature of the film . I heard that Mentor texture is so rough that it hurts after plastic surgery. Is it just a bit heavy? (Feels like a brick is attached to your chest?) Anyway, it was a surgery that I thought was well done. I think plastic breasts are better than flat breasts.