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[Breast Enlargement] It’s been 2 years since I had Motiva surgery.

Date 22.08.19 04:37:39 View 1,594
900 만원
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900 Days

I had Motiva surgery about 2 and a half years ago. My original size went back and forth from A to B. My weight was so elastic that I went back and forth between 166/48-53 and 5kg. But I was suffering from an autoimmune disease called lupus, so I went to the hospital. I had to give up after being told it wouldn't work in 4 places, but they said it would be done at a plastic surgery clinic. I paid 900, which is 100 more expensive than other places, as specified by the doctor. I'm completely satisfied. On the day of surgery, I felt cold and sore for a while in the recovery room, but after getting painkillers, I recovered in 10 minutes and was under anesthesia. I was so thirsty before I woke up and got on the taxi that I drank coffee and chatted with my younger brother and then came home. In the end, I couldn't move my arms and I had a lot to talk about, so I bought a recliner sofa. I bought a desk that fits, and I bought a straw for my back in case it was itchy. .. I really prepared a lot... but it didn't hurt at all. The hospital told me to practice moving my arms the day after the next day, and I started moving back and forth haha. It was amazing. Anyway, I went to cafes the next day and the next day, and there was no problem in my daily life outside. In fact, I felt so fine. I became cautious... I felt it at 2 weeks. I touched it lightly and it was soft. At 4 weeks, it just felt like a real breast. But if you look at the reviews, they say you can't touch it hard or shock it for 2 or 3 months, so I handled it very carefully. Anyway, there was no pain at all. There was nothing. I think it was Kebacae, but I think the teacher definitely did a good job. I have more severe infections and bleeding than others... Even when I get an infection, inflammation comes up next to the nail. But there was no problem. It ended well and lasted 2 years. I may have had surgery on my breasts, which are now standing up. But when I lie down, I feel like there's nothing I can do about it. Very slightly.. haha. But I really recommend it hahaha. More Professor Jaejin Ok... thank you so much hahaha

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22-08-19 07:11
크기는.지금 290 310인가 넣을걸로 기억하구요  크기는 비비안 d컴 빅토리아e컵  입어요 모양은 크냥 본인가슴에서 커진다고 보면되서 새가슴이거나 쳐져잇음 그래도요 교정해서 잡아줘도 비슷해여 그래서 지방을 추천하거나 거상을 추천하더라구요 저는 약간 챠져잇긴한데 거상할정도는 아니여서 나중에 나이많이먹고 재수술하면 그때거상같이하랴구요
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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아밑빠짐 없구 부작용은 하나도없어요 ㅎㅎ 신기할정도로 회복 빨라서 좋앗구 겨절햇어요 ㅎㅎ 담날부터 팔움직이라거 하더라구요 앞뒤로 ㅎㅎ 다가능햇고 아 흉은 제가 찾아보 못찾아여 저는 연고도 한두달 썻어요 콘투라벡스랑 시카케어겔 발랏어요 시카케어밴드도삿는데 자꾸떨어져서 그냥 연고만 생각날때마다 발랏어요 ㅎㅎ 근데 절개상처가 너무 깨끗해서 아물때도 잘아물엇던거같아요 ㅎㅎ 더에서 한거 어쩔수없는 선택이엿지만 하늘이 도운거같아여
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