Job Review

Breast reduction surgery 1 year ago

Date 18.07.30 04:56:52 View 7,137

As I was about to write, it was actually the first anniversary of my real life. I gave up my 10-day summer vacation at the end of July 2017 for my light future . My goal was breast reduction, and after visiting 4 hospitals, I went to a large plastic surgery clinic in Gangnam , which was expensive but the most famous and said they would take responsibility for the second surgery, so I made an appointment for breast reduction and liposuction (stomach, back, arms) thanks to the dazzling work skills of the director. My breasts were eye-cups and I weighed over 100kg due to obesity, so I went ahead with the surgery without hesitation, even though it cost 14 million won. The one thing I regret the most after the surgery is that I had breast reduction and liposuction at the same time. My recovery was slow and I had a lot of bleeding, so I was exhausted. I was hospitalized for one day, but it was so difficult that I had to get two blood transfusions during the two-day hospitalization... Even after the 10-day vacation, it was so painful that I could barely walk, so I didn't take care of myself after liposuction and it took a long time for the swelling to go down. After the surgery There was no visit to the hospital or feedback call after the stitches were removed ... I guess it's because it's a large hospital and they're busy, but before the surgery, they said that after a year, I'd have a mammogram and if I was dissatisfied with the shape, they'd adjust it again... I guess I'll have to wait and see if they call me today or tomorrow ㅠㅜ Actually, I'm satisfied with the size of my breasts after the surgery, but the shape of my areola is uneven - one side is longer and the other is smaller, so I was thinking that I should call and visit when I have time... Will they call me? Since the liposuction is a total failure, they're going to say that it's my fault for not taking care of it anyway ㅠㅜ But the scar after the liposuction is so big and serious... I'm disappointed in many ways . Isn't there no aftercare for plastic surgery?

2ho's More Posts
Cmts 14
You should contact us first...
18-07-30 09:45
[@PyuPyuPazer]   If there's no contact until tomorrow, I'll do it.
18-07-31 01:04
Call the manager and talk to him/her and get feedback.
18-07-30 14:48
[@꽃사슴123]  제 담당 실장님이랑 통화가 어렵더라구요..  그분은ㅈ신규 담당인가봐요
18-07-31 01:05
사후관리엉망인병원이였네요 흉터레이저도해주던데
18-07-30 21:23
확대보다 축소가 더 힘든수술이라는데
1년 점검받으시는건 직접챙기셔야할것 같아요
18-08-01 19:59
18-08-06 21:03
사후관리가 너무 그러네요 ㅠㅠ 실장님얘기들어봐야할듯해요..
18-08-17 10:41
어디서 하셨는지 부탁드려요
너무 불성실 하네요
18-08-23 16:58
어디서 하셨는지 알 수 있을까요ㅜㅜ? 수술후관리는 어떻게 받으셨어요?
19-01-21 19:40
그 대형병원 어디인지 알려주실 수 있나요?
제가 할려고 계획하고 있는데 너무 무섭네요ㅜ
그리고 지금은 회복하셨기를 빌게요, 정말 힘드셨겠어요.
19-07-06 06:41
나도 알고 싶은데 병원공유 가능할까???
22-12-08 06:52
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-01-31 23:36
귀한 정보 감사합니다. 저와 비슷한 상황이라 도움이 많이 되었어요. 지흡 후관리가 잘 안 되었던 것도요 ㅠㅠ
다소 늦은 댓글이지만 혹시 병원 정보 공유가 가능하시면 부탁드립니다.
23-02-20 03:32
DL Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
매부리때문에 코 수술을 받았었는데 제대로 교정이 안돼서 결국엔 코 재수술을 하려고 마음 먹었습니다 ㅠ이번엔 꼭 성공하고 싶어서 누구보다 열심히 찾아본 후에 맘에 드는 병원 추려서 상담 잡았어요! 제일 먼저 다녀온 곳이 디엘인데 후기에서 봤던것처럼 직원분들이 넘 친절하셨고 병원 내부도 깔끔해서 첫인상 합격~~ 원장님이 상담 때 자세히 봐준다는걸 알고 갔지만, 이렇게 자세히 봐주신다고? 할 정도로 꼼꼼히 봐주셔서 넘 마음에 들었습니다. 코 재수술인만큼 문제점을 확실히 개선하기 위한 맞춤 수술 플랜을 이해하기 쉽게 설명해주셨고, 과한 추천없이 딱 필요한 부분만 말씀해주셔서 믿음이 가더라구요? 매부리를 확실하게 교정하는건 물론이고 제가 원하는 느낌인 자려한 느낌으로 디자인 다시 잡아주셔서 니즈반영도 제대로 해주시는 느낌을 받았습니다! 군더더기 없이 전체적으로 깔끔하고 만족스러운 상담이었어요!
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