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Water drop nose gel 315cc size..

Date 13.07.04 20:45:55 View 12,251

It's a complete cliff . I used a water drop nose gel 275, but I'm going to have a reoperation. But how about a size 315? Are you manic? Between 275 and 315, the other sizes say that there is not much difference in size, so what about 315 to feel the size change? My body is skinny. How many cups of bra size will you put in 315?

ㅡㅜ's More Posts
Cmts 7
I made it to 340 two and a half years ago. It wasn't quite a cliff. Anyway, I had no breasts. Now I'm a D cup. You are about a c cup.
13-07-18 15:19
I'm in the middle of b~c right now. Each bra has a different size. Is it too burdensome if I put more than 300? Doesn't it look artificial? How does it feel? What was your bra size before?
13-07-19 23:24
If it's 315, it'll be big.. I don't know if the surgery doesn't matter to me, but I'm like that.. Women do a lot of breast surgery these days.. They put too big on their foreheads and those artificial breasts on their foreheads. It doesn't look very pretty. Looking at men. I'm not looking at you because I'm pretty, I'm just looking at you knowing that it's an artificial breast.. The bigger the feel, the worse it is. Use the size recommended by your teacher. Okay. You will feel again that this size is suitable for me and suits me ^^
13-08-01 23:20
But people all see my breasts as A cups, so I want a bigger one, so I'm worried ㅜㅜ
13-08-02 21:07
Is it simply because of the size?
13-09-19 14:35
I was a cliff at all, so even if I put 275 on it, the volume doesn't seem to live up to it. ㅠㅠ
13-09-24 20:22
I was about 75b / 80a, but I wanted a size that was full of 80c.. I put 320cc!! But it doesn't feel like it's just too big~~ Oh, it's glamorous, right? Hehehe I think it was a good idea to put 320 in ^^ If I put 280 in, I almost couldn't see the surgery light... Of course, it would have been more natural... But I still have to see some light after the surgery!!
15-06-17 14:02
Nose Lab Clinic
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