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After the surgery, they look completely flat... Please take a look at my breasts.

Date 11.11.30 21:50:48 View 9,371

Hello, first of all, I'm sorry for writing in plain English on the photo. I made it in a hurry, so it ended up like that; Before surgery, my breasts were 75A. No matter how sexy I dressed, only my weak bones were visible, and when I looked at my breasts, which were smaller than those of an elementary school student in the bathroom, I knew that someday I would definitely have surgery, so I used the money I had saved so desperately to obtain permission from my parents to have the surgery. I live in Busan and work as well. I didn't have time to go to Seoul, so there are a lot of hospitals in Busan and there are a lot of them these days... I received consultations from many places in Busan that are famous for breast plastic surgery. The hospital where I had the surgery was a hospital specializing in breast surgery that did not cause any blood pockets and was painless. They said it was done with a Wolf endoscope and there was not much bruising, so I made the decision after many consultations because it suited my conditions. The surgery really didn't hurt at all. I didn't have a lot of bruises, and the only thing that was inconvenient to live with was not being able to raise my arms as I wanted while wearing shapewear.. While looking at reviews of breasts with mismatched bottom lines and mismatched breasts here at Seongyesa, I thought, "I need to be careful.. I never thought something like this would happen to me." I couldn't have imagined it... but as time goes by, they are becoming more and more even. When I first took the stitches out, I was very scared, so I told the doctor, and he said it was no big deal and that the thickness of the skin was different, so he just told me to work hard with the downward massage. At the end of the 2nd week, When I said it again, he answered indifferently that the two sides couldn't be exactly the same, and even told me to come twice a week for a massage. When I got ready and went to the hospital in a hurry, all he did was turn the director's hand east, west, south, and south about twice. It's all about giving... I'm really annoyed that I'm bothering my work to get this, and the hundreds of dollars aren't even my child's name, it's money I worked hard to save, and the result is the same, so I'm upset and angry, but I don't know what to do since they only speak from the hospital's point of view. After reading a lot of posts here, I thought it would be better to just accept it and be satisfied with the size of the bra, if it doesn't bother me too much. Even if I try to endure it, only one side is tilted when I wear it. The same goes for the tightness even if the lengths on both sides are different. It is noticeable even when I wear it. It seems like... What's important is that when I lie down, my breasts don't spread out equally on both sides with my collarbone in the center... The left side spreads out much more to the side, so I don't even want my boyfriend to see me lying down. I'm too busy trying to cover it up, and it's noticeable even if I touch it... Like that. It's not easy... I really regret having the surgery... The more I think about it, the more stressed I feel, the more upset and unfair I feel... The hospital keeps saying the same thing, so I feel like it doesn't do me any good and just makes me blush... Everyone, I really feel sorry for you. Strange...?

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제가 봐도 짝짝이처럼 보이네요~ 근데 또 모르죠 한지 얼마안됐으니까 더 지켜보세여~~ 글고 안되면 그 병원에 가서 물어봐요~ 뭐라 답변해주시겠죠~
속상해하지마세요~~ 그리고 병원정보좀 알려주세요~~^^
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진짜 저도 짝짝이인데 미친듯이 속상합니다 ㅜㅜㅜ
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