Job Review

[Breast Enlargement] Breast augmentation 2nd week review

Date 24.02.29 17:06:00 View 2,059
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15 Days
총 4개의 사진이 등록된 글 입니다.

ㅅㅅㅇ 2nd week review Right/Left 375 Mentor Extra A friend of mine had surgery at ㅅㅅㅇ, and her breasts are really pretty... I like working out, but if I only wear a sports bra, my confidence gets low. Other than that, I've always been doing it since my early 20s. It was a surgery I wanted to have, but I was so scared that I put it off every time. I thought I wouldn't do it if I put it off any longer, so I decided to go ahead with it and put down a down payment on the day I received the consultation. The consultation wasn't as if I was pressed for time, but he explained which one I liked better and if I had any more questions. The manager and director were both very friendly, which was nice. I had surgery with Dr. Han, and it was a reservation for 12:30, but he told me to come by about 11:30, so I went and returned. After washing my face and gargling with disinfectant, I saw the director, had my breasts designed, waited a while, and walked to enter the operating room . Unfortunately, I didn't win the pain relief prize, so I opened my eyes right after the surgery, but it was so painful that when the director stopped by for a moment, my chest hurt so much.... I kept repeating these words until I was given painkillers. After going in and breathing hard, some of the anesthesia gas went away, so I was able to survive haha... They didn't give me any painkillers, and after resting for a while, I was able to move around on my own, so I went to the bathroom, met the doctor, and was discharged! From the 3rd day onwards, I started feeling a little fat and wanted to eat something haha. Fortunately, it was the Lunar New Year holiday, so I tried washing my hair slowly on my own around the 5th day. Since my hair was stronger than others, I was told that it would take a little longer to lose weight, so even when I looked in the mirror, I noticed that I was nowhere in the week. Looking at my breasts, which were squashed like a piece of flat bread, I wondered when they would become prettier and if this was right, but they are getting rounder and my upper breasts are softer than before, so I feel like I stand there looking in the mirror once a day and looking at my breasts. Now, even if I just wear a pad without a pad, my breasts are pretty, and my breasts are softer. I really like it because it makes my waist look slimmer. I haven't shown it to my friends yet, but I'm really looking forward to their reactions when I get warmer and my clothes get thinner. I'll write a review in a month!!!

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