It's already been half a year since I had surgery on ㅇㅅㅇ~~... Maybe it's the beginning of the year, but it feels like time is passing too quickly. I was worried about whether it would work because my arm and cleavage were gaping with the Sevin sub, and the length of the bottom line from the nipple was short... It's definitely been 6 months. The scar is starting to look like a wrinkle in the armpit, and the wound has healed cleanly, so it's not something to worry about . Praise me for choosing the armpit treatment~~ haha I'm not a big person, so I was recommended CC in the late 200s rather than 300, but I listened to the doctor's advice too much. I think I did a good job haha. As time goes by, I'm becoming more satisfied, and the texture seems to have loosened by about 60%. In the past, my chest was wide open, so I couldn't wear clothes that fit my body even if I wanted to, but these days, I'm often wearing see-through or V-neck knits haha. The mart in front of my house . Even though I was going, I couldn't wear a hoodie anymore haha. It's been 6 months since my breast surgery, and sometimes my breasts look bigger with each underwear. Haha, my cleavage looks different, so I fell in love with the fun of finding underwear that fits me well haha.