Job Review

[Breast Enlargement] Warm surgery review

Date 24.02.21 10:35:26 View 1,102

I had breast surgery last week hahaha. After the surgery, I felt like the hospital really chose me well. I wanted a full C cup, so I tried Motiva full 335/355 during the first consultation, but I kept debating whether to change to demi because I was afraid it would be too big and I would end up like a rice bowl. So I had the surgery. I previously had a fitting consultation with the director again and recommended 335/350 to be satisfied with the surgery and 295/300 to look natural. Even though the director alternated between the two fittings several times, he did not show any annoyance and was considerate by telling me to think it through carefully. ㅠㅠ ㄳ Finally, when making the final decision. I consulted with the manager, and he said that from a woman's point of view, the full type is prettier with the line from the neck to the chest, and that the demi is so discreet that you will regret it later. In my opinion, the demi is the same as when you wear a regular mulberry bra and looks more natural when lying down. Since people spend more time standing, I decided on the full type, which has a prettier fit haha. I think it is right to follow the guidance of an expert, whether it is the director or a manager.. haha ​​He gave me consultation so I could think about it enough and make a decision, and designed it carefully so I wouldn't feel anxious. I thought I really chose the right hospital because they were so considerate. I could close my eyes and open them, but the surgery was over, and it was very difficult to wake up from the anesthesia. I kept closing my eyes... My neck hurt like it was going to tear, and the part where I cut it didn't hurt at all, but the part where the floatation was removed was really painful. Moreover.. I was given another dose of painkillers and while I was recovering, the director visited me 3 times to check up on me and helped me recover until I was able to walk well without feeling dizzy as I came alone without a guardian. ㅠㅠ Now, 3 days later, my chest is throbbing and I feel hot all over. It's hard because my skin feels like it's going to burst because my breasts are so big. Still, I don't have much pain at this level and I can go about my daily life, so I think it's okay... I'm trying to avoid things that hurt my arms as much as possible. Time passes quickly and I have beautiful breasts. Want ...

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