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2 years after breast fat transplant

Date 18.11.09 15:51:15 View 13,150

I had fat grafting on my breasts about two years ago. Their hospital has been free of side effects for over 10 years, and they talk about it like the Midas Hand of lipoplastic surgery. What about the director? Blah blah blah. Nevertheless, I have never once seen the director's face during consultations. I wanted to remove abdominal fat and put it back in, but they kept saying that my thighs have a good engraftment rate, blah, blah, blah, but they said that since they were just taking out the transplant anyway, my thighs wouldn't change much. Because I liked my thighs, I continued to focus on my abdomen, but abdominal fat is prone to fibrosis..? At the same time, since it wasn't full suction, there wouldn't be much of a change in the line anyway, so I insisted on the thighs... I even said I wanted to do the abdomen, even if it was an additional cost, but they didn't do it. It's definitely a thigh.. At that point, I should have just jumped out.. In the consultation with the director right before the surgery, I said that I liked the outer line of my thighs, and he said he would preserve the line and pull it out.. He said that riding fat that looks like the pelvis was also good, and he said that's flesh, so why is that good? They said it wasn't there and since I cared so much about it, they said they would take the appropriate amount out to preserve the line... And at the end of the surgery, the pelvis was gone for some reason. I thought it was strange, but I thought it would get better with time, or if I lost the belly fat, so I went on a diet, and my thighs were flat.. I had been hearing everywhere that I had a solid body, a pretty pelvis, but I had a baby body without curves.. I did it because I was a little disappointed with my breasts, but they didn't grow even half a cup. My entire body is ruined, and even the riding area is inhaled so much that when I move it, the bones protrude. My buttocks are all saggy, and if you look at me from the side, my hip joints are dented. I went to the hospital two years later because of these side effects, and the hospital said there was no change in my constitution over the two years. They said it was my fault that my body shape changed, so it couldn't have been because of the surgery. Then, he completely changed his story by telling me that the line could not be changed because the implantable suction machine has a large capacity. And then our director said, “What have you been doing here for 10 years? Anyway, there is no one like me,” and he said that it was unusual, and that no one complained like this after receiving suction for implants. There is also a radiology department here that connects breast patients before surgery at this hospital. I get a checkup there every year, and they say there is no problem, but I didn't know, so I went to another breast surgery clinic and found that in 3 months, I had 2 cysts and 1 oil cyst. When I asked the university hospital, they said that oil cysts only appear after engraftment is complete. It says it doesn't work. So I went to the hospital to ask. Then the doctor said that since this is a minor side effect, it cannot be included in the list of side effects. They said I shouldn’t call this a side effect. Obviously, when it comes to side effects of breast fat transplantation, the first thing that comes out is oil cysts. And these days, people are unnecessarily worried, so he asks them to talk to the hospital he connected to with radiology so they don't get scared? I was truly shocked. At this time, I felt like I was playing hard. They say I have really pretty legs, as if I've inhaled them, but why is that? I kept the line alive and kept saying this. So, before I went to another hospital to get a thigh transplant, I met the director and asked him to know where the suction was done. The doctor said he didn't like showing me what he wanted so much, so he sent me a picture of the design and said you can just look at it like this. So, I went to another transplant hospital, and they said that the hip joint, front pelvis, and buttocks were all touched. There wasn't that much of a problem with the thigh line change. So I filed a claim, and the head of the consultation got angry and asked me if I had the surgery at that hospital, saying he didn't expect me to look at the design. So, whenever you send a photo of a design instead of seeing the director for treatment. So, I’m looking into transplant surgery again. The cost is astronomical. But I thought it would be better to spend money than to live like this. Every day, when I look at old photos, tears just flow. Never do breast fat grafting. At the hospital, they call it fat removal surgery, but it's just a surgery to change the entire body line.

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언니 글 잘보고가요^^ 절대 명심할게요
18-11-09 15:52
허엉무지흡하시고 비슷하게엉덩이살다처지고
부작용온후기봤는데 너무안타까워요..
의사말대로듣다가 이런일이 왔는데책임도안지고
18-11-09 15:57
지방이식은 가격이 정말 비싼군요.. 그래도 아직은 보형물이..
18-11-09 23:29
아 .. 너무 안타깝고 화나는 일이네요 ..  개인이 병원 상대로 싸운다는게. 참 ..
18-11-10 16:31
너무 화가 나네요
18-11-11 22:13
빼라는지방은안빼고 허벅지를ㅠㅠ
아너무안타깝네요.. 빼는거보다 넣는게 훨비싸더라구요
18-11-13 23:58
가슴은 지방이식보다 보형물이 덜 위험하다고 들엇어요ㅠㅠ..
18-11-15 20:28
헐 저 보형물보단 지방이식이 낫다고 생각하고 알아보던 참이었는데..... 진심어린 글 감사합니다 꼭 이겨내세요
18-11-15 22:07
제가 다 화나네요 성자님
그 의사 분명히 지방이식에 대한 부작용 알면서도 진행한거 보면 너무 괘씸해요! 보형물이식도 이식이지만 일단 넣은 지방은 괜찮은지 몸 상태는 어떤지 자세히 진찰받아보시는게 어떠실까요? 무리하지 마시고 천천히 하지만 확실히 진행하시길 바랄게요
18-11-18 23:46
저도 알아보는 중이라 10년된걸 강조하는 곳이라면 ㅇㅋㄹㄴ 인가요?
18-11-21 00:44
병원이름 알려주세요. 부탁드려요. 저 지금 가슴수술 절실히 알아보고있는중이라서요.
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진짜 의사가 뻔뻔함의 끝이네요;; 저까지도 너무 화나네요.
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너무 마음 아프시겠어요ㅠㅠㅠ좋은 병원 찾으셔서 다시 예쁜 몸매 찾으세요
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어느 병원인지  알고싶네요 ㅠ
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어느 병원인지 알수 있을까요?ㅠㅠㅠ
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어느병원인지 정보부탁드려도될까요?ㅠ
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어딘가요? 가슴지방이식 하려는데 꼭 피하려고 합니다
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21-09-15 06:37
정말 힘드시겠어요.. 제생각엔 이런일은 네이트판이나 좀 공론화 시켜야될 것 같아요ㅠ 정말 제대로 하지도 않고 양심도 없는 의사 많군요... 저도 병원명 꼭 알려주세요.
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여기 제가 하려던 곳이랑 같은 곳인것같네요 ㅇ**3** 이죠? 저도 예약금 총 300돈 들인거 사전관리어쩌고저쩌고 환불안되고 진짜 그냥 다신 얼씬도 안하려고요. 안좋은 부작용후기도 다봤고 부작용한번도없다는거 다뻥이네요
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ㅇㅅㅆ 인가요??
23-10-01 20:19
자가지방이식 가슴 알아보고 있는데 비밀글로 어딘 알려주실 수 있나요ㅠㅠ
23-01-24 09:37
어딘지 궁금해요 ㅜㅜ
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