Job Review

[Breast Enlargement] I got breast enlargement with menex

Date 24.02.14 10:38:43 View 864

I had no upper chest and my chest was sagging, and it's been a month since I had breast surgery. On the first day, I was in pain and lay down all day, and the pain got a lot better on the third day. On the second week, my upper chest was still convex, and although I didn't touch it hard, it felt like slime. Haha. Since I didn't have an upper chest, I asked the director to gather it as much as possible, and because of the nature of my job, I use my arms a lot and I need to recover quickly, so when I went for a consultation, I strongly appealed that I wanted to have it done with a lower line. I read in a review that the red line gradually fades unless the scar is too severe, so I thought it would be okay to cover it with clothes until it healed. It was nice that the director personally checked the progress of the area where I had surgery. Since the surgery itself involving implants is dangerous, I asked a little more in-depth during the consultation, and I was told that if they form a capsule so that the implants can settle well in the body, there are almost no dangerous cases, and that the possibility of side effects is lower if they do it with a lower line. My back hurt and I had no sensation for almost three weeks after the surgery. I used to have a lumpy feeling when walking, but now I can do my daily life the same way, and my sensation has returned to 70%. When I rub them, they feel like my own breasts, and I think I'm more satisfied because the size that the director suggested fits perfectly. I got a 325cc. I have no upper chest, my upper body is thin, and my body is not pretty, so I chose a men-ex that can make my upper chest look plump. It's only been a month, but the shape is so pretty, and I think I met a good director and I'm doing well without any major issues after the surgery. ㅎㅎ Now, the swelling has gone down a lot, so maybe because that puffy feeling is gone, it feels like the size is smaller than before, but I personally wish it hadn't gotten any smaller ㅠㅠ

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