Job Review

[Breast Enlargement] Review of breast surgery 2 months ago, take a look at some scary examples of breast surgery...

Date 23.12.20 19:12:37 View 5,939
총 4개의 사진이 등록된 글 입니다.

Hello fellow artists. I actually have a really scary appearance, but I just had breast surgery... So, I'm going to write a review as it is in case there are other celebrities who are hesitant about breast surgery because they're scared like me. When I started looking into breast surgery in earnest, I first looked into it on YouTube. I happened to see a vlog about someone getting breast surgery haha. Looking at that, I thought I could become as glamorous as that person and in a week? I thought that I could just endure the pain for 2 weeks, so I downloaded a plastic surgery app, joined a cafe, and tried everything... (I actually ended up joining Seongyesa last.) Ever since I started looking into implants, my favorite was Motiva. When I went to the consultation and actually touched the implant, I was willing to change it if another implant felt better, but my first priority was Motiva, but after going to the consultation, no matter how much I touched and tried the fitting, Motiva felt the best haha. So, during all my consultations, I was diagnosed with Motiva! I also wanted to get surgery with good implants, which is a one-time surgery anyway. They say most women have uneven breasts, but surprisingly, out of the five places I went to, four said they didn't have unpaired breasts. They said there was no need to have different sizes on both sides since the other breasts were very small, so I had 335cc injected with Motiva during the surgery! As for the incision site, I wore a lot of sleeveless clothes in the summer and like crop tops, so I hoped for the arm joint rather than the bottom joint. Fortunately, most hospitals allow me to choose the incision site . Let's talk about after the surgery.. I was so scared on the day of surgery that even after arriving at the hospital, I I asked the director, "What should I do? I'm scared," and I was very upset (when I think about it, I was like that to the director, too.), but he comforted me a lot. I'm sure he's not the only person like this, but he kindly kept telling me not to worry, so I was at least a little at ease after the surgery . I really respect those who started their daily lives right away... I suddenly got breasts that I didn't have before haha... My upper body was heavy and I felt dull when I moved, so I spent most of my time lying down at home... But I wasn't sick, so I ate well and took prescriptions. I continued to take the medicine I was given, but I didn't have the confidence to go out for a walk, so I guess I just stayed at home... Maybe that's why, if you look at the photo of the first month, there's quite a bit of bulge in my stomach... ㅠㅠ At this time, I tried to come to my senses and go for a walk often! Since I started moving, I got used to having breasts and was able to carry out my daily life without any problems. If I had known this would happen, I would have just kept moving since the second week... I even thought about it haha . My breast size is about a full C now! I've wanted a C-D cup since the surgery, so I'm satisfied with the size I got now, but I still have some minor swelling, so I'll keep watching for at least 6 months! Lastly, to those of you who can't get breast surgery because you're scared like me~ If you have a strong desire to have it done rather than being scared, I recommend going for a consultation first! Because after going to the consultation, there was a lot of information about breast surgery from the director and manager haha.. I learned a lot of new things because of this, and there were days when I thought about things I had never thought about before. But be sure to research the surgery carefully on the day. Rather than being forced to make a reservation and paying the deposit right away, it is much better to go to several consultation centers like me and then think carefully before making a reservation!

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Cmts 11
After going to counseling, I became more scared. I had a hard time.
23-12-20 19:39
This can be happen!!! ㅠㅠ Thank you for the compliment!
23-12-21 09:46
I worked hard.. I want to suffer too ㅜㅜ
23-12-21 00:38
Go to a consultation and give it a try!
23-12-21 09:47
Thank you for your hard workㅜㅜ It’s been two months and it’s settled down perfectly!! To Chuka!!
23-12-21 15:14
Thank you!!
23-12-21 16:07
I'm so excited ㅠㅠㅎㅎ
23-12-21 17:04
Now that we've overcome the hardships, let's enjoy it~~~
23-12-22 18:44
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오 넘 예뿌다 부러워
24-01-01 21:38
오 이쁘다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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