Job Review

[Breast Revision Surgery] Reoperation with Allergan Menek

Date 24.06.17 14:27:52 View 1,514
500 만원
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7 Days

I had Allergan drip revision surgery. I had my first surgery (2019) at this hospital, and my second surgery (2024) was at the same hospital (so the amount was a bit discounted). After worrying about it for 3 years due to Allergan lymphoma issues (I had it without any problems), I went abroad. Since I live here (I can't come to the hospital in case of an emergency), I finally decided to do it. It took me a while to decide, but I was a little disappointed that there weren't many reviews about Allergan replacement, so I posted a review in the hope that it would be helpful in case other people are worried about Allergan surgery like me. I was very satisfied after the first surgery (except for the feel, but I knew that the feel was bad even before the surgery, and the director is famous for his breasts, and I know he is someone who has handled many difficult reoperation cases) and I didn't want to have to put another knife on my body and undergo general anesthesia. I kept putting it off, but decided to do it while I was in Korea. So far, I am very satisfied with the results of the surgery. The first water didn't hurt, but the second water also seems to be settled in well without any pain. What I found out while retaking the exam was that there was a double layer on both sides. So, I partially removed both of the double layers (I think it was a good idea to try again) and because I used the size recommended by the director, it looks much more natural than before. When I had Allergan, I worried every day that weight would fall out of the bag, but now I'm glad I don't have to. (Of course, you have to wear a bra carefully to prevent other side effects.) If you are thinking about retaking the exam, I recommend this hospital!!

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