Job Review

[Breast Enlargement] Mentor Smooth 350cc Review

Date 24.02.22 13:43:48 View 4,174
총 5개의 사진이 등록된 글 입니다.

Hello, celebrities! It's been almost three months since I had breast surgery, so I'm going to write a review. I used Mentor Smooth implants and the size was the same on both sides, 350cc. I was still single and in my 20s, so I was worried about the incision site, but after reading the reviews, I found out that most people who had surgery on the bottom line get better over time. The scar seemed to be fading naturally, so I got it as well. I paid my monthly rent in advance to my company and had the surgery on Friday. It takes about 40 minutes by subway from my husband's house, which has a hospital, and it was a new experience to ride the empty subway for the first time in a long time on a weekday morning. . Haha, I wasn't as nervous as I thought while going, but I think I was nervous from the moment I met the director and heard various explanations before entering the operating room. Still, when the director gave me a consultation, he carefully checked my body size, how to do breast surgery, side effects, etc. The general public The fact that he explained everything in detail, even the parts I didn't know well, gave me trust and allowed me to have the surgery with confidence. In fact, the anesthesia was going on... haha. I just closed my eyes and didn't think anything... haha. After the surgery, I can't go home alone, elephant. There are a lot of people who say that it feels like someone is stepping on their chest, but miraculously, I was able to endure it quite a bit. I bravely went home alone and ate a good meal! However, when I lay down and get up, my skin was a little tight and it was a little difficult, but this got better within a day or two . By the end of the month, the swelling had gone down to some extent, and I had only worn a corrective bra up to this point, and after two months, I could feel it slowly loosening up! I felt that the soft feel of mens was an advantage, but since my skin was covered over the implant, it felt just as good as real breasts... I am really satisfied with the breast surgery.

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