*****본인의 키는 166 몸무게 76
상체 77 하체 88입었고 인치로는 34인치였음*****
지흡결심하고 작년가을부터 손품 엄청팔았음
처음엔 강남언니나 바비톡에서 온갖 가짜후기와 브로커들이 판치며 후기사진이 드라마틱한곳으로 20곳정도 추림
그다음엔 지살사,여우야,가아사,성형위키백과,지앤지,지방흡입술로살뺀 총 6개 카페 싹 가입해서 추천많이하는 곳들 중 강남언니,바비톡이랑 안겹치는곳 10곳정도 추림
그다음엔 성예사 가입해서 성형수다에 병원추천해달라구글쓰고 추천6,7곳정도받음
이렇게 모인 총 약40곳의 성예사 프리미엄후기,구글링,공홈,인스타,초성검색으로 거르고 거르고 걸러서
부위별 최강자병원들을 알아냄
일단 살면서 가장 스트레스였던곳은 허벅지였고
전신을 할경우 상체에서 하체순으로 한다고들 하던데
평범한 직장인인 나는 최소한의 연차로 최대한쉬어야 했기때문에 가장 아프고 일상생활 복귀가 힘들다고 한
허벅지를 설날 전 주에 휴가와붙여서 쓰기로함
원장님 전신상담으로 거진 약1시간반가량 상세히해주심
강남예일미의 특징
-1세대 지흡,종아리퇴축 전문
-굉장한 안전주의이나 결과물보면 싹빼줌
-사고없이 한자리에서 병원명 그대로 쭉하심
-뚠뚠이인 나로썬 비용이 착했음
-상담료없고 상담을 진솔하고 정확하게 오래해주심
-재수술과 하체전문
-브로커나 외부광고전혀없음(=지인 입소문으로만 알음알음 아는사람만 아는 찐맛집이란소리고 당일 결제유도나 가격으로 흥정하는 장사치가 아니란것임)
본인은 골반이 작아 승마살보단 허안살이 더 튀어나올수밖에 없는 체형이었고
그러니 허벅지360도를 할 경우 라인없는 뼈다리가 될것이다,승마를 골반라인으로 착시를 주도록 승마를 뺀 앞벅지,허안,뒷벅지만 하자하심
원장님 안목믿고 오케이했음
여기서 후기보면 시설구리다하는데 요즘 삐까뻔쩍한 하양하양한 화이트대리석에 큰평수는 아님
하지만 나름 앤틱해서 나쁘진않음.그리고 시설이 좋은건 내 수술과 무관할 뿐더러 최신식 인테리어비용이 내수술비 거품에 포함될걸 알았기에 만족함
병원시설이 낙후되었다고 하나 결론은 의사의 손기술이 관건임.
구려도 피검사,인바디,심전도검사 사전에 다 똑같이 해주시고 첫 지흡수술이라 궁금한게 많아 어리버리 질문많이했는데 실장님이 주말에도 늦은밤에도 꼬박 답장 잘해주심(전반적인 케어와 상담을 다 해주시는걸 보니 상담실장은 아니고 간호사이신거같음)
10시 첫수술이었고 수술전 소독과 지방이 잘뽑혀나오기 위한 연육작용으로 마사지건으로 온 허벅지를 조져주심
수술은 11시정도부터 3시간가량했었고 회복실가서 수액2시간짜리 링겔맞으며 누워있다 허틈보고 감격해서 사진찍고 회사동료들한테 생존신고하고 귀가함
수술시 용액을 많이넣는 의사가 있고 적게 넣은 의사가 있는데 무엇이 정답이다는건 없지만 해당병원은 용액을 최소한으로 넣는곳이었음
그래서 지방통을보면 바닥에 깔린 빨간용액 200cc를 제외하고 양 허벅지에서 2,200cc를 뽑은것
한쪽 허벅지에서 1,100cc뽑은셈인데
이게 1.1kg임
네이버에 지방 1키로라고 쳐보면 알것임
지방1키로는 작은부피가 아님.
보통 용액을 많이넣는곳들은 지방이 용액을 머금기때문에 실제로 3천씨씨를뽑았다 4천씨씨를 뽑았다한 예사들 거기서 시간이 한참흐르고 지방통 다시 보면 용액 싹 가라앉은뒤 순수지방은 그보다 훨씬 적음
(물론 그걸 확인하기위해 시간이 한참흐르기전에 이미 회복실 퇴원할듯..ㅋㅋ;)
내가 4천씨씨를 순수지방으로 뽑은게 맞다면 몸무게가 4키로 줄어있어야하는게 맞음(수술직후 약간의 부종을 감안해도 최소3.7키로정도)
하지만 종종 후기에선 5천씨씨뽑았는데 눈바디로봐도 효과 드라마틱한데 신기하게 체중은 2키로밖에 안줄어있다라고 써있는글들이 있는데 이게 이런경우임
여튼 오리걸음으로 운동장20바퀴정도 걸은 근육통을 안고 집에왔고 생각보다 걸을만 하길래 강아지 산책도 하고 당근 거래도 하고옴...ㅋㅋㅋ
I was curious about what kind of pain it was because the only reviews said it was painful.
Is it a stinging sensation like when getting a laser? Is the pain like being pinched or like being cut with a knife?
But it's just muscle pain. It's so bad...
It's hard because it hurts on all three sides of my thighs, front, back, and sides at the same time... Lol. Honestly, I've been having a
hard time with exercise for months, so I think I'll lose weight all at once, so I'll suffer for about two weeks. If you do that... isn't it rather reasonable...? Haha, my own way to win mentally^^,,,
To be precise, I'll have to see it again after the swelling goes down haha. They
said they'll retouch it if something goes wrong, so I'll just trust that and wait...! haha
So I bought a women's urinal in advance haha. It's much better when you stand up. I'm not comfortable with the big ones yet, so I didn't try it^^... constipation from birth..? haha.
I heard it's almost top-tier expensive for that price.
But the Barbie line is especially famous for the abdomen, so it's pretty.
First of all, go for a consultation for both :) haha.
But really, I feel like my thighs are going to explode, and if
I sit down, my skin will tear, but if I ignore it and walk gently, I feel better again haha. The moment I rest, I have to keep resting. It hurts haha. I have to keep moving ㅠㅜㅜ
Now the bruises are down to my ankles and my calves are sore, but the bruises on my thighs are gradually fading and the swelling is going down a bit!
It's my 2nd week on the weekend, so I'll have my first post-care after removing the stitches, so I'll leave another review :) I hope it helps haha.
Yesterday, it was the 2nd week, and I had my first high-frequency treatment to remove the stitches. The hardness of the YZone Babon has definitely softened and the swelling has reduced significantly, making it easier to wear compression garments. Haha. My
inner thighs are smooth, and I can feel that I am becoming slimmer and slimmer!! I'll be posting more progress photos soon!!!!
If you take Heoan + Heofront + Heodu for 300 and get 10% VAT, you get 10% custom compression garment for 330~!
You don't have to personally own or customize compression garments. You can just buy them online.
If you show them a review, they'll give you a 10% refund~~
Other than this, there are no discounts at all,
and there's no coercion, pressure, or anything else.
I've been looking into it because I've been having trouble with my thighs for the rest of my life, but the more I look into it, the more I see bad things and only brokers, so
I'm having trouble recommending it!!!
Yes, it went really well. I sold it here too, and I'm so satisfied that I'm thinking about other parts as well! My specs are similar to mine, but my calves are pretty and there is no sagging at the hips, and they look elastic, so I think they will stick together better without sagging the skin!!! I agree with all the reviews haha, including the reason for choosing the hospital and the interior design! I think the article was really well written haha. How are you doing now?
Wow, we're hospital friends ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Nice to meet youㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It's already been three months and the swelling has gone down and it feels like
my original thighs not sticking out whenever I walkㅋㅋㅋ As usual, I have really thick skin so I was wondering if it was skin or a turtle shell, but that's why I definitely didn't sag ㅎㅎ And I didn't horseback ride so I didn't have a banana butt fold~~!!
My coworker introduced me to her in March ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and I naturally became straight-legged ㄷㄷㄷ
Yesa!!! I just got my calf doneㅋㅋㅋㅋThanks to Yesa, I got the confidenceㅋㅋㅋI'm getting my thighs done this week~ Thank you so much. It's hard to find a real review these days. It was really helpful!! The director said to go with the safe route, so we decided to do it separately. It seems like I chose a good hospitalㅎㅎㅎ How's Yesa doing? You must be so pretty now that all the swelling has gone downㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I really enjoyed the review, thank you!! Then, the upper body was done in ㅊㅇㅅ, but is there a reason why the lower body was not done here? And have you ever been to ㅇㅅㅇㅁㅈㄹㅇ? I'm going to do the lower body, but I'm having trouble with this...
Thank you so much for the detailed review, Yesa! You must have a really pretty line by now!? Haha I'm jealousㅜㅜ I'll refer to the review carefully and consider it carefully too!!
It's really good.
I got my arms, waist, and calves done here, and they're all good, but the scars on my calves and waist are too bad
. I want to get a hyo-an, too. What do you think about the scar where I got the hyo-an Y-zone incision?
I'm more worried that it'll show because I go swimming.