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[Liposuction] Abdominal liposuction, chest fat grafting in two months

Date 23.12.19 14:05:36 View 1,541
380 만원
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60 Days

This is a review of the second month after lumbar suction breast transplant. My waist line has now stabilized and I have a waist with no belly fat. Originally, I was full with no waist line at all, so whenever I ate, my stomach looked like a pot when seen from the front, but after the surgery, even after eating, only my stomach appeared and my waist line appeared. This is maintaining. I tried to eat well by eating 3 meals a day to stabilize the fat in my breasts, but now that my breasts have stabilized (I have definitely lost more of my upper breasts than before), I am trying to exercise, which I had refrained from doing for fear of losing the fat, and change my diet to a management diet . It has faded, but it is still visible in the armpits and buttocks . It feels like there are two moles in the same location on the buttocks... Should I just call it a Mongolian spot? ㅠㅠ I think I will have to get rid of this with another procedure. I would like to get the chance to get it again. I am 100% satisfied.

츄르먹는고양이's More Posts
Cmts 3
My stomach was fine.
23-12-20 06:19
Wow, that's great. Did you do 380 except for the abdomen and waist??
23-12-20 13:00
* this is a secret.
23-12-21 11:46
eye plastic surgery
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