5 years ago Inner thigh just groin? I went for a mini suction (they gave me 120 at the time),
and after the surgery, they said they had done all the inside of my legs, and it went all the way to the Chanel line, so
I wasn't interested in the bone, and the inner thigh line was strangely uneven, and
the doctor said he'd never seen thighs like this before. Haha, he said he couldn't remove everything. But actually, there was about 10% left.
Instead, I was satisfied because a clear gap was created.
It took more than 3 months for all the biobond to disappear, and
I still have a scar under my butt where the inhaler went in. It's an
old memory, but the pain is vivid.
I lived instead . I think it was one of the best decisions I made.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will do my best to answer from my memory.
Yes, that's right, it's really soft there too ㅜㅠ But it seems like there's sagging, but it's much better than before so I'm just satisfied (the teacher also predicted that there could be sagging)
원래 피부탄력이 나락간 부위는 여전히 나락가 있는데 이건 수술 전부터 그랬고 수술 후 더 쳐질수도 있다 했었어 병원에서 ㅋㅋ 근데 다행히 그러진 않았구 내 눈에는 울퉁불퉁하던 지방덩어리들이 정리돼서 전보다 훨 나아보여. 샤넬라인처럼 원래 탄탄했던 곳은 지금도 탄탄해 내가 말 안하면 아무도 지흡한지 모르는 그냥 평범한 쉐입이야