I was trying on dresses during a dress tour ahead of my wedding, and wow... I couldn't get enough of them,
so I looked into 5 places and chose this one.
I also wanted to have straight arms. I
also have bird breasts and a lot of chest pain, so it doesn't look good, but my arms are thick, so my back pain is no joke.
Dr. Park Hoo-seok consulted with me through ultrasound to determine the thickness of fat and not to overdo the unnecessary areas. I had
surgery done on three areas: shoulder, forearm, and armpit. It has been 10 days since the surgery, and there was almost no bruising on the forearm. There
was only a large bruise on the side of the chest.
In the second week, there was almost no bruising. Since it was gone, I went to wear a dress for wedding photography.
But when I sent pictures of myself wearing the dress, my friends said I had lost a lot of weight.
I didn't tell them, but they felt proud.
Since I have a large body, they told me to keep wearing it for at least 3 weeks, so I wore it every day except for the dress selection day.
I was worried because I wore compression garments for 3 weeks during the hot summer, but fortunately, I
wore thin long sleeves or 3/4 length short sleeves so it wasn't noticeable.
Fortunately, I didn't feel that hot during this heat wave, so it was okay to commute to work. It's okay to
have the surgery in the winter, but it's also okay to have the surgery in the summer. I think that