Yesterday, I had a thigh enlargement. My breathing wasn't good, so I had to get a general anesthetic. They couldn't extract a lot of fat.. ㅜㅜ My airway was narrow and my lungs were in such bad condition... ㅠㅠ Sigh... 1500 cc of fat... ㅜㅜ Originally, I was going to extract about 2000 cc. They say it was an unavoidable choice because I was too sensitive to anesthesia, so I'm a bit gloomy right now. But they say my lines will get a lot better, but I guess I'll have to wait until the swelling goes down. But if I'm not satisfied, they'll retouch it in 6 months. It's really, really painful. It's the second day now, and I'm crying just now. It wasn't, I absolutely need someone who can help me. I really need everyone to refer to it. Even if I'm not satisfied, I'm just going to pay for retouching and just stay. It hurts so much . It hurts so much that I'm dying....