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[Liposuction] Infinite Rams for arms

Date 23.05.25 09:59:52 View 1,531
During days

Yesterday, I had my forearm sliced. I wasn't nervous because some people felt pain during the procedure and some didn't, but when the nurse was injecting the buttocks (it really hurt), they said that the anesthesia injection later would be more painful than this, so there were a lot of people crying when the solution was injected. I heard there were people crying and screaming, so from that moment on, I started getting nervous and my heart was pounding, but for some reason, only 2 out of 4 injections were a little painful, and the feeling of the solution coming in... I can really explain it accurately. You know that cat nuzzling? There are a hundred cats. It felt like it was coming all at once and squeezing my arm, and it was a little painful, and when it came into my armpit, it was tickling, so I thought it was funny and cute... All I could think of was a cat... It's just that feeling hahahahaha And when it comes to fat extraction, 1 What does extracting without pain feel like scratching with a back scraper that doesn't feel comfortable at all? It felt like scratching with blunt fingers with sharply cut nails? Haha. It was like this. I wanted to sleep too, but I couldn't sleep, so I was just singing to myself. When I started with my right arm and then my left arm, it hurt a little, but it was more tickling than painful. Maybe it's because my pain button is a little weird. Well, I think it took about 2 hours in total. Then, I fell on the bed, got something warm, and then came home. But when I went to sleep at night, the liquid leaked so much that it got all over the bed.. ㅜ The guests laid down a plastic sheet on the bed, put a towel on it, and lay on it. And my elbow hurt so much that I couldn't sleep for more than 3 hours. Fortunately, I'm fine now . And they told me not to apply cold or hot compresses for fear of frostbite or burns... I'm going on a family trip in 3 days, so I had to keep it a secret, so I needed to keep it as minimal as possible, so I applied a cold compress with the red clay compress. It wasn't freezing, it was in the refrigerator. I left it cool before using it, so it's not as cold as ice, but just cool. Maybe that's why the bruising hasn't gotten too serious yet, but I guess this will take some time to see. Oh, and I can already see the lines. I'm so happy, I hope I get to the next week as soon as possible. For reference, I'm 32cm. Was it? But a total of 14 bottles came out. They say it came out because my fat was concentrated.

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혹시 붓기도 심하신가요? ㅠㅠ
23-05-25 10:04
그렇게 막 심하진 않아여! 음 람스하기 전에서 살짝 더 부은 느낌? 그정도에용
23-05-25 10:15
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저도 몇일전에 썰었는데 아직 붓기가 심해서 붓기빼는데 도움되는거 잇으면 공유해요! (전 붓기+멍 심함)
23-05-25 22:23
붓기랑 멍 빼는덴 온찜질이 최고인 것 같아요! 저 멍 진짜 잘드는체질인데 멍 들기전에 냉찜질해줘서 팔꿈치만 살짝 들얶어여!
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시원한 냉찜질 말고? 따뜻하게 온찜질이 더 나아요? 이미 팔뚝이 매일 너무 뜨거워서 ㅠㅠ 더 뜨겁게 하면 따끔거릴꺼 같은데!
23-05-25 22:51
냉찜질은 멍이 진행되고있을때 붓기가 계속 올라올때 해줘야됑 멍이 다 들고 붓는게 멈췄다면 온찜질로 혈액순환시켜줘서 풀어주는게 죠아 근데 이미 넘 뜨거우면 안하는게 좋지ㅜㅜ 괜찮아지면 하는게 좋을 것 같아
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어때 만족스러워??
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