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Care after thigh suctioning!!

Date 11.05.10 13:24:34 View 2,905

It's been 19 days since I suffered from thigh jaundice. There's almost no pain now. Anyway, I'm wondering what to do with the aftercare . Should I do hot yoga or swim? I don't have a set diet. I'm just reducing the amount of food I eat, eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Instead, I absolutely don't eat snacks . Even if I do, I sometimes eat things like tomatoes, bananas, and rice cakes. Anyway , a month is almost over and I plan to start exercising once the month is up. I was going to do power walking and cardio regularly from now on, but the nurse at the hospital told me never to do power walking, running, or weight lifting. They say that if you gain muscle, you'll be in big trouble. Since you need to lose bulk, if you gain muscle in the place where you lost fat, it'll be a big problem, so don't do that. Just stretch for a month , and after a month, they tell you to go swimming or do yoga. And swimming is the best. But they say that if you stop swimming, you'll have to exercise. Oh, I'm going crazy. Yes, it's because of post-care right now ㅜㅠ If I keep going with my current diet, I don't think I'll be able to eat anything, so I'm wondering if I should try some herbal medicine. What should you guys do? ㅠㅠㅠ

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You're having the same problem as me . I'm suffering from my diet right now... I'm planning to start yoga for 3 weeks and plan a protein diet or a meal plan like my friends, but it's not easy to do it alone. Like someone, I'm trying to limit my carbohydrate intake and salt and eat it instead of rice. I'm thinking about eating tofu. Please share the information^^
11-05-11 13:17
요가하삼~ 수영이 몸매 다지는데 좋긴한데..수영요요도 무시할 수도 없구..특히 어깨 어쩔;;; 어깨를 유의하셈! 역삼각 몸 되면 ..ㅠ_ㅠ
11-05-11 16:26
그냥 군것질만 끊어도 시간 지나면 큰효과 있을거에요
11-05-14 10:28
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