******Hospital information, director, etc.
can be found by checking old posts! It's annoying to write every time haha.
I went to get my first aftercare today. Originally,
it would have been perfect if I went on Wednesday,
but I put it off and ended up going on Friday ;;
Because I am severely obese,
I had the procedure in the hope that it would motivate me to diet
rather than make a dramatic change
. The difference from a regular diet
is that I take the risk of surgery first, so
if I take that out, I can go on a diet by keeping my body in line,
and since circulation is especially important, I usually do it
on a daily basis . I've been stretching
and massaging with my hands more, and
I think I'm naturally starting to pay more attention to those areas!
For aftercare, I start with high frequency first.
Because the high frequency is cool,
the person who cares for me said that
the swelling goes down and you feel more lumpy,
but if you massage a lot at home and
especially apply lotion well , it helps
maintain elasticity
! It gets dry during the recovery process, so
take care of moisturizing!
I didn't pay much attention to moisturizing, but I'm going to pay attention to moisturizing for the remaining period. What I'm
doing is
a diet of 2 liters of water
(regular meal + light dinner) - plenty of vegetables,
walking for at least 30 minutes a day,
stretching every now and then.
I lost a total of 5 kg!
I have to have
my abdomen done now
;; I'm worried ㅠㅠ It's okay after the surgery,
but I felt like
I was going to die for 2-3 days right after the surgery. I'm leaving this for myself to see and for motivational records,
so I hope you feel comfortable watching it.
The person who did my aftercare today worked hard to take pictures.
Post a lot of comparison shots.
The elbow area is still saggy, so
I'm going to give it a lot of massage.
*****Hospital Information
Please check the previous post for the director's price!
우와 드라마틱 하지 않다니!! 둘레, 라인 엄청 빠졌구 티나는데~~!! 양날개뼈 등쪽, 윗팔은 진짜 많이 이뻐졌어 고생했어!!
복부도 바라던 바 대로 성공적 후기 기대할께!!
아 참고로!!
물 먹는 법 나보다 더 잘 알겠지만
한 번 마실 때 왈칵왈칵 마시는 방법보다 20~30분에 한 모금, 이런식으로 링거 맞듯이 조금씩 계~~속 마셔주는게 체내 수분유지, 다이어트에 효과가 더 좋대!ㅎㅎ