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[etc] Infinite Rams (thighs) + lung ring + love handles day 5 review

Date 23.03.05 22:56:09 View 6,212
365mc병원 (강남본점)
690 만원
During days
5 Days
총 5개의 사진이 등록된 글 입니다.

It's not that I don't exercise regularly, but I tend to expend all my energy at work, so I'm busy going back and forth between work and home... And even if I exercise, my thighs don't lose much weight, and when I gain weight, the first thing to happen is my love handles and thighs... I hated the way my thighs were touching each other every time I put on pants, and I hated the fact that my love handles were sticking out more and more, so I made up my mind and set a date for the treatment after consultation. (I had to avoid the menstrual period and set a date.) I was told that I shouldn't lose weight until the day of the procedure, so I didn't take it before. I ate as much as I could and ate as much as possible the morning after the procedure because I was told that I might feel dizzy on an empty stomach. The order of things to do on the day was 1. After taking off (wearing something similar to a thong the size of your palm), InBody measurement 2. Brief consultation (what is the current condition, how the procedure will proceed, schedule after-care) 3. Go to the treatment room and see which surgeon the surgeon is talking about. Mark on your body whether you want to proceed and wait 4. Start the procedure (inside thighs, riding fat, love handles, lung ring: takes about 3 hours, sequence: local anesthesia - injection of lipolytic solution - fat extraction) 5. Aftercare is the best The part I was curious and worried about was the pain, but wow, it really hurt, but local anesthesia is better than general anesthesia, so I persevered, and most of all, I was grateful that the director spoke well and tried to sympathize with the pain. After holding on for nearly 3 hours, I felt fine and didn't feel dizzy, perhaps because I ate more than I expected . My hands were shaking because I was so nervous for the entire 3 hours... They told me to bring leggings, which were really essential! They held my legs tightly so walking was less difficult. It was fine until the day, but the next day, the bruises started to appear, and I felt a bit heavy and swollen. In this case, it is also helpful to wear leggings that provide compression. Shower on the same day, shower 24 hours after the procedure, apply bruise cream, and apply pressure with leggings. I heard that you can never move immediately after liposuction surgery, but it was good that Rams was able to move. However, you cannot walk around as usual and you must not run. It's the 5th day since the procedure, and the swelling is still quite high, and the bruises were only blue, perhaps because of the cream, but yellow bruises are starting to appear little by little. It's a lot of pulling and itching, but I can feel my walking becoming more natural and the pain gradually getting better. I was told to walk a bit because the swelling would go down, but when I tried, the pain was actually less and less uncomfortable when I was standing than when I was lying down. I hope the swelling and bruising go away quickly.. I haven’t tried liposuction, but I recommend Rams, which I can use for my daily life!! During the procedure, I felt trustworthy and relieved that the director reported the situation and told me in detail how it was progressing. Is it really difficult to lose weight through exercise? Or do you really want to lose weight but your body won't comply? Then I recommend it! I really want the bruising and swelling to go away so I can wear pants with pretty lines.

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Cmts 14
The effect seems to be good, but will the bumps on the inner line get smoother later?
23-03-05 23:56
It is said that it is because of the lipolysis solution.. I am not sure right now because of the swelling, but I will try to manage it well while receiving post-care diligently. I will leave a review again after a week.
23-03-06 00:03
Looking forward to the photos after a week!! :)
23-03-06 00:07
I'll take good care of it and come back!!!!!
23-03-06 00:19
how much is the price??
23-03-06 00:17
가격 700 좀 안됐던걸로 기억해!!
기존에 생각했던 것보다 가격이 좀 있긴 했는데 이왕 아픈거 하나하나 욕심이 생기더라고,, 그래서 가격대가 높아졌어 ㅎ 후관리도 더 추가하려구!
23-03-06 00:21
댑따비싸넹 ㅜ
23-03-06 00:22
나는 무한람스, 러브핸들, 허파고리, 후관리까지 해서 그럴거야~ 사람마다 다르니까 가서 한번 인바디 측정해보고 상담받아보고 원하는 부분 가격 책정해달라고 하는걸 추천할게!
23-03-06 10:22
다리 지흡이 제일 아파ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
23-03-06 13:37
지흡이 람스보다 더 아프다던데,,, ㅠㅠ
23-03-06 14:21
무한람스하고 만족도가 높아서 허파고리 너무 하고싶더라고요 ㅠㅠㅠ~~
23-03-06 19:14
허파고리는 인정,, 아직 붓기가 있어서 자리잡진 않았지만 붓기 빠진 분들 후기 보면 옷태가 진짜 달라요.. 그래서 저도 하는 김에 욕심 냈어요.. (아프긴 하지만요..^^*)
23-03-06 19:34
허벅지 혹시 많이 줄어들었나요? 승마살두요° ㅠ. 저도 고민중이라서용
23-04-07 17:52
Wow, next week, thank you
23-10-17 17:59
Taco Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
일단 다 높게 잡겠음 재수술이고 상담만 이니까,, 정말 나는 모난 얼굴형이 아니였음 단지 넙대대한 얼굴면적을 축소하고 싶었을 뿐 현재 타병원에서 윤곽3종을 했지만 어느 정도는 만족함 그치만 가로부분에 있어서는 덜 만족임 그러하여 1년 지나고 상담을 타코로 잡았음 조금 더 보태자면,, ㅇ1ㄹ퍼도 상담잡고 가려다가 글쓴이 본인은 1인원장에 니즈반영 + 그만큼 책임있게 집도하시는지 + 수술에 있어서 얼마나 디테일하게 설명 및 집도하시는지가 포인트였기 때문에 거기 접고 여기로 굳건히 결심함 다행히도 전 수술에 있어서 뼈들은 유합없이 괜찮지만 효과를 더 극대히 하기위해 여기로 정착한 만큼 수술날짜 잡고 디자인할때 더 니즈반영을 할 예정임 !! 원장쌤 및 실장님 너무 귀여우시고 유쾌하시고,, ㅎㅅㅎ 재수술이여서 원래도 섬세하시고 설명도 잘 하시겠지만 더 뭐 하나 챙겨주시고 얘기하시는 거에 감동받음 힝 ㅠ 실장님께서도 참 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ ㅋㅋ 너무 그냥 귀여우심 예쁘시고 오밀조밀 할말 다 해주시고 최고였음 1인원장에 1인실장에 결맞는 최고였음 ! 생리 터졌는데 패드도 챙겨주심 푸하하 어쨋든 .. 곧 여기로 다시 기서 확정잡고 재수술 할 예정임 원장님 실장님 좀만 기다리세요 꼭 하려 올거니까요 다시,,
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